[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"But I'm serious... Just a movie and food, I swear!" I grow flustered.
"Of course. Have fun." I give Helix a small wave before entering my room and closing the door.
"Um..." I enter Sage's room. "So... do you have any DVDs or whatever...?" Oh, man, this is awkward...
I knock on Gio's door, hoping to maybe hang out with him.

also get in chat <3 )
(( Took my shower <3
Conditioning is always the best part * o * ))

I sit down on the edge of Gio's bed.

I open the door and see Dusk. "Oh, hi."
I scratch my head. "....What kind of stuff?" I glance at Sai and bite my lip.

"I'm not really in a position where I can go anywhere..."
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"Suit yourself." I close the door. "So, sis, wanna tell me what's up?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I explain my situation to Gio.

"Well.... that sucks. Helix and I were talking, and we've thought about trying to convince Mace to let Blaze stay. I've....decided to support you, no matter how much of an asshat he is."
I walk inside my room and sit down on the edge of my bed. I motion for Helix to join me and hand him the remote.
"So... anything in particular you want to watch?" I ask.
"You can pick. I trust you." I say with a smile.

(Ugh... Not really in the mood for this so expect slow posts... >_> )
(( D: ))

"Alright, then..." I pick some zombie movie, not really paying too much attention. I just enjoy Sage's presence and watch.
((Eyy I just got this iPad and I'm probably about to discover the horrors of autocorrect :p))

I offer Sage some popcorn. "Do you want some?" I'm not good at this...