[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

(I hate you. Go on the chat. :p )

I take a handful and pop it in my mouth. "Thanks."
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I decide to seek some more company, this time with Sage. I knock on her door.
I take Helix's arm off of me and get up to open the door. I open the door. "Hey Dusk."
I look up to see the girl from before. "Uh, hey."
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I see the boy who I'd lead to the HQ, and look at both of them.
"Oh, um, I'm sorry, I see I'm intruding..I'll go.."
"You're not interrupting anything." I say in a cheerful tone, oblivious to how Helix might reply.
Damnit, not again... "Yeah, not intruding, but... Who are you?"
"No, it's fine, really. Always good to see a new face." I smile. So close, too.
"Not exactly sure, to be honest. Just some zombie apocalypse movie..."
I go over and sit back down next to Helix. I call out, "Come join us if you want."
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"Oh... maybe next time?" I ask weakly.

I tell Dusk telepathically: "Don't tell Mace about this."
Don't worry. I nod at them both.
"See you guys later, then.." I shut the door behind me and go back to my room, frustrated and lonely.
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