[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Ah, well. Let's just keep watching. Do you want any more food? I brought more than just popcorn." I whisper, not wanting to talk over the movie.
"Oh, it's fine if you don't want it. I don't wanna stuff you. Hehe..." I put my arm around her again.
"What?" I say, slightly caught off-guard. "Of course I love you." I kiss her forehead.
I smile but my smile quickly falls. "B-but what are we?" I sigh. He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend yet...
I hug her. "Well, as of now we're dating." I gesture to the food and the TV. "So I guess..." I blush. "I'm your boyfriend...?" I smile awkwardly.
"Suit yourself." I close the door. "So, sis, wanna tell me what's up?"
- - - Post Merge - - -
I explain my situation to Gio.
"Well.... that sucks. Helix and I were talking, and we've thought about trying to convince Mace to let Blaze stay. I've....decided to support you, no matter how much of an asshat he is."

~Imagine they fell asleep~
I hug her. "Well, as of now we're dating." I gesture to the food and the TV. "So I guess..." I blush. "I'm your boyfriend...?" I smile awkwardly.

"I thought you'd never ask." I say with a smile.

- - - Post Merge - - -

8pm. It's time. I slowly walk to Blaze's room to personally escort him to the airport.
An alarm rings and I wake up to find myself on Gio's bed. I check the time. "8 PM...."

I might've missed Blaze's flight.....

It's better if you miss his flight.

I rush towards the Medical Center. "I... I need to say goodbye."
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I walk inside his room and am surprised to see him asleep still. I walk up to him and gently shake him by the shoulders.

I bolt awake to someone shaking me. "What the ****?! Can't a man get some sleep around here?"

I move backwards a bit once he wakes up. "It's time."
I hug Sage as the movie finishes. "So... what now?" I ask, smiling.
I pause in front of the door to the center. "Maybe I shouldn't...." I mumble.

"No. I should." I push the doors open and begin the walk to Blaze's room.
I look up and realize who woke me up. Mace. I remember my gun is still on me. I say, "Okay. I'm ready." I can't shoot him here. It's too obvious. I need to wait until we get outside. I climb out of bed and follow Mace.

I lead Blaze outside the room.
I notice Mace and Blaze at the end of the hallway. "Hey." I wave as I approach them.
I smile as I see Sai. "Thanks, babe." I walk over to give her a hug when Mace pulls me back. "What the heck, man?!"

"Blaze, you have a flight to catch."

"Just give me a minute."

"Make it quick." I sigh. I don't have the patience for this...

I smirk at Sai. "Did you miss me?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I hug Sage as the movie finishes. "So... what now?" I ask, smiling.

"Um... want to go visit Blaze while he's under amnesia and make fun of him?" I suggest in a joking manner.
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I hug Blaze. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't." I give him a weak smile.
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I lean in to whisper in Sai's ear. "Don't worry. I still love you." I pull back with a wide smirk on my face.

I tap my foot impatiently.
"Heh, if you wan-" I remember what Sai said. "I think he's leaving soon, actually... I guess we should see him one last time..."