[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I rush into the room to find Sai asleep. "Wh— What the hell happened...?" My voice is shaky.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I run back out to confront Mace. "What the hell happened to my sister?!"
"Yeah, I have a problem with that. You don't insult my girlfriend. Especially when it's not true."

((Got drunk and slept with Helix before going on an actual date, almost committed suicide twice :rolleyes:))
I take a deep breath before explaining everything to Gio, leaving out no details.

I roll my eyes. "Suure, it's not true."

I whisper to Helix, "Let's just go... Sai needs us. Blaze doesn't matter."
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I grit my teeth. "I'm going after him."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I sprint towards the strip, only slowing down when I spot Sage and Helix.
"Well, we're going to see your girlfriend, who happens to be dying." I put my arm protectively around Sage and we start off toward the Headquarters yet again.
"He's back there." I say. I notice his expression, and add: "Don't do anything you're going to regret. You don't look in any condition to fight, if that's what you're here for."
I sit on the ground, holding the chopped off piece of my ear. Ugh... never had that happen before...
"Gladly, I'm not." I wheeze. "I need to get out more." I approach Blaze. "Hello."
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"I want to know why you're ****ing sitting outside while my dying sister needs you."
I raise an eyebrow. "And since when have you given a rat's ass about what Mace says? Come inside. She needs you."
I shrug. "If I go... there'll be another fight... and this time, I plan to fight to the death. It's better if I don't go."
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We finally find Sai's room in the medical wing, and I see Mace nearby in the waiting area before walking in. He caused this, I think bitterly.
".... I don't think Mace will fight a man who's only there because his girlfriend is dying. I'll straighten things out with him if he tries."
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I hold out the piece of ear to him. "Look what he did. It was out of nowhere too. It's not like I pulled a gun on him or anything..." I lie weakly.
I clap slowly. "I can detect lies just as well as Sai, Blaze. Let's go, they'll get you fixed up at the center." I hold my hand out.
"What if I don't want to go? What about what I want? Do you think I wanted to live my life like this? Do you?!" I ask, slowly growing angry.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I squeeze Helix's hand, feeling scared. Poor Sai...
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I sigh. "No. No one wants to live their life like this. However, I know you love her. You make her happy, just as she makes you happy." I run my hand through my hair. "You actually want to leave her alone in there? When she needs you?"
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