[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I take a deep breath, putting my sword away. "I don't mean to sound childish but Blaze started it. I was merely going to walk him to the plane and let him go... Everyone deserves a second chance... but now, I begin to doubt that."

"Sai, don't take this the wrong way but look at yourself. Do you really think this man can make you happy? Do you see yourself with him in 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? What are your plans for the future? Do you really think this man can help you with that? Does he even deserve you?"

I say smugly, "She's stuck with me. She loves me and she knows it. I love her too. What's the issue here?"

I sigh. I can't get through to him... he really is a lost cause... Why can't anyone else see that?
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I bite my lip. "Blaze..... is very compulsive, I know that. I also know that many, many people oppose us being together. However, he makes me happy." I grab Blaze's hand. "I've thought about my future, really, I have. And I just can't see a future without him. Mace, you have to understand. Blaze is my future."

I glance down. "... I know that it's hard to understand why I chose him. Heck, even I don't understand. But I love him more than anything else."

"Mace, let me tell you something. Growing up, I always wanted the good family life. I could have children, a stable job, and a husband. That's all I thought I wanted."

"I've changed from then. Yes, I still wish for that life, but I'm perfectly happy if Blaze can't give that to me."
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I take a deep breath. "As long as he makes you happy..." I sadly say, "I hate to say this but if you wish to be with him, you'll have to leave as well... Blaze will still be banished."

I flip the finger at Mace and say, "**** you. You deserve to burn in hell."

I roll my eyes. "Thank you, Blaze."

"Sai, I wish you the best of luck. And if he ever hurts you, you are free to return. This place will always be a second home for you."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I hug Helix tightly. "Thanks..."
I smile softly at Mace. "...Take care of my brother for me. He's a geek and a smartass, but he's got a good heart." I lean on Blaze. "Guess I'll be going."

I glance over to Sage and Helix. I'll miss you guys...
Oh, god... He can't do this... I hug Sage tighter, trying to stay strong.
"Of course I will. You can always come visit, Sai. Don't forget." I smile weakly at her. I knew she would say that.

"Well, ready to go then? I'm sick and tired of this place. The longer I'm here, the more I want to kill this man." I gesture towards Mace.
I feel a huge wave of pain hit me and I fall onto my knees.

I'm not letting you do this.

I hold my head. "****.... Lia...."

You have to stay. I'm not letting you leave.

Another wave of pain hits me.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I glance at Mace with panic in my eyes. "Medical... center..." I gasp out.

"What... the hell... Lia....?"

Broke your 'battery'. Same as being injected.
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I snap out of my malicious gaze toward Mace when I notice Sai fall over suddenly. "Sai?!" I grab Sage's hand and run to Sai.
I run over to Sai and pick her up.

"Put her down. I got this." I grab Sai from him then stand, unsure what to do. Reluctantly, I hand her back to Mace. "Fine, go save her."

I run as fast as I can and take her to the medical center.

I stand awkwardly when I notice Helix. "Hey Helix! Want a round two?" I ask jokingly.
I bite on my lip as waves of pain hit me.

.... I'm sorry, Sai. I can't let you leave.

I grip the fabric of Mace's shirt. "The— ah.... battery....broke....."

Hmm? I doubt he knows what you're referring to. Poor Sai. You should've chosen Mace. We wouldn't be in this mess if you did.
I sigh as I enter the medical department. "It's okay... you'll be safe now." I take her inside one of the rooms and watch as the team on staff hooks her up to some tubes.
"No, Blaze. C'mon, Sage." I walk back towards the HQ.
Tears slide down my cheek. "Get... Blaze..." I grit out.

Sorry Sai, Blaze can't help you here. You really should thank me for helping you out so often.

My body begins to numb.
"Helix! Wait!" I call out after them.

I follow Helix but before I do, I say, "Blaze, you're a ****ing idiot."

I retort, "And you're a slut with a death wish." I sit on the ground, unsure of where to go now and because I was banished from their HQ. Hm... maybe I should call Mitch... he'd know what to do.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I sit in the waiting room. Sai will be okay... I'm not putting Sage through another death... Not after all she's been through...
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.... Don't you remember how happy you were when we first met? You finally had someone that'd look out for you.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Tears slide down my cheek. "Get... Blaze..." I grit out.

Sorry Sai, Blaze can't help you here. You really should thank me for helping you out so often.

My body begins to numb.

(( MACE ))
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I notice Blaze yelling after me. When I hear him insult Sage, I turn around. "What did you just say?"
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**** off....

My, my. Someone's being touchy. Everything'll make more sense when you wake up. And you'll be happy that this happened.


I slowly drift to sleep as the drugs course through my body.
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The pilot calls out, "Since no one seems to want to go, I'll be taking my leave." I watch as the plane takes off then I'm just left sitting in the middle of nowhere.
I wake up to find Sai gone. There's no way.... She wouldn't, would she?

I rush to the medical center.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I notice Mace in the waiting room. "Mace! Where's Sai?!"
I notice Blaze yelling after me. When I hear him insult Sage, I turn around. "What did you just say?"

I repeat myself, growing annoyed, "I called your girlfriend a slut with a death wish. You got a problem with that?" I smirk slightly.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Sai... she's... she's hurt..." I give him directions for what room she's in. "Go. She needs you."
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