I take a deep breath, putting my sword away. "I don't mean to sound childish but Blaze started it. I was merely going to walk him to the plane and let him go... Everyone deserves a second chance... but now, I begin to doubt that."
"Sai, don't take this the wrong way but look at yourself. Do you really think this man can make you happy? Do you see yourself with him in 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? What are your plans for the future? Do you really think this man can help you with that? Does he even deserve you?"
I say smugly, "She's stuck with me. She loves me and she knows it. I love her too. What's the issue here?"
I sigh. I can't get through to him... he really is a lost cause... Why can't anyone else see that?
"Sai, don't take this the wrong way but look at yourself. Do you really think this man can make you happy? Do you see yourself with him in 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? What are your plans for the future? Do you really think this man can help you with that? Does he even deserve you?"
I say smugly, "She's stuck with me. She loves me and she knows it. I love her too. What's the issue here?"
I sigh. I can't get through to him... he really is a lost cause... Why can't anyone else see that?
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