"Fiine, Mace. When did you become this mean? Why don't we sit and catch up? I'd love to hear how exciting your life has been. You've done a good job with this place." But not good enough if I was able to easily find it. I laugh to myself.
"Blaze, not another word or I swear I will leave you in the wild."
I silently follow behind him. My moment will come soon... We're almost outside.
- - - Post Merge - - -
I pause when I hear voices. I pull Helix's hand to notify him to stop. Just ahead in the hallway, I can see Blaze, Mace, and... Sai? What is she doing here?
After a bit of walking, we are finally outside the headquarters. I lead him to a small dirt road that will lead us to the airstrip. "Any last words you have to say to me?" I ask cautiously.
I pause by the plane. "Goodbye Blaze. It was nice knowing you."
"I have one last thing to say." I pull my gun from my pocket and aim it at Mace. "Goodbye Mace. I never really liked you." I get ready to pull the trigger.
I don't hear Sai because all I'm thinking about is my lust for blood. I savor the expression of fear on Mace's face.
"I knew this would happen." I pull out Sage's sword which I had taken the liberty of carrying. "Which is why I brought this." I aim the sword at him.
"You and your swords..." I sigh. I guess this ***** is not going down without a fight. I throw the gun on the ground and walk towards him. My fists should be enough.
I dodge his punches and attack back with the sword, managing to hit him in a few places. The top piece of his left ear falls off.
I stand back, impressed. "Wow, Mace, you must've been practicing..."
"I've been practicing to make sure scum like you don't hurt anyone else." I bring the sword down hard on his head, hoping for the finishing move. Or at least something to make him knock out.
I barely dodge out of the way. "Woah... Mace, getting a bit murderous, are we?"