[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

Wow, she's so energetic today... I like to see her like this. I realize she can read my thoughts, and get embarrassed. Maybe she didn't notice.
"Well, if I'm the dork, what does that make you?"

"Enough. We're leaving, Blaze."

"Fiine, Mace. When did you become this mean? Why don't we sit and catch up? I'd love to hear how exciting your life has been. You've done a good job with this place." But not good enough if I was able to easily find it. I laugh to myself.

"Blaze, not another word or I swear I will leave you in the wild."

I silently follow behind him. My moment will come soon... We're almost outside.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I pause when I hear voices. I pull Helix's hand to notify him to stop. Just ahead in the hallway, I can see Blaze, Mace, and... Sai? What is she doing here?
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I follow Mace and Blaze.

Guess it's time to finally let him go.... But he said he loves me....

Out of curiosity, I follow them.

After a bit of walking, we are finally outside the headquarters. I lead him to a small dirt road that will lead us to the airstrip. "Any last words you have to say to me?" I ask cautiously.

"Not really." I say, following him.
I pause by the plane. "Goodbye Blaze. It was nice knowing you."

"I have one last thing to say." I pull my gun from my pocket and aim it at Mace. "Goodbye Mace. I never really liked you." I get ready to pull the trigger.
My eyes widen. "Blaze....?" I grab his arm. "Blaze, stop..."

I told you he was bad. We shouldn't have given him the cure.
I don't hear Sai because all I'm thinking about is my lust for blood. I savor the expression of fear on Mace's face.

"I knew this would happen." I pull out Sage's sword which I had taken the liberty of carrying. "Which is why I brought this." I aim the sword at him.

"You and your swords..." I sigh. I guess this ***** is not going down without a fight. I throw the gun on the ground and walk towards him. My fists should be enough.
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I start throwing some punches.

I dodge his punches and attack back with the sword, managing to hit him in a few places. The top piece of his left ear falls off.

I stand back, impressed. "Wow, Mace, you must've been practicing..."

"I've been practicing to make sure scum like you don't hurt anyone else." I bring the sword down hard on his head, hoping for the finishing move. Or at least something to make him knock out.

I barely dodge out of the way. "Woah... Mace, getting a bit murderous, are we?"

I smirk. "This is only the beginning."
We eventually reach the landing strip, to see Blaze and Mace fighting. I stand in shock. I guess I was wrong about Blaze, after all...
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At the sight of violence, I bury my face into Helix's shoulder and silently start to weep.
I watch in horror as they fight.

Choose one.

I grab Blaze's arm and ready my blast at Mace. "The two of you need to stop. Now." Tears begin to well up. "Neither of you should die..." I mutter.

Choose. One.
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I put my arm around Sage, glaring at Mace and Blaze in turn.
I feel someone grab my arm. "S-Sai, what are you doing?! I was so close..."

I look up, concern creasing my face when I notice Sai, Sage, and Helix had followed. "Why did you guys come? It's not safe."
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"Yup. And it's totally okay for two important people in our lives to try to kill each other." I say sarcastically.

"I'm not letting either of you die today." I glance up at Blaze. "Not when I finally got a ****ing confession....."
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"We were going to see Blaze off, but apparently he has other plans..."