"WHO IS WHO?!" I shout at Cygnus as I jump out of the way to avoid the attack. I bring my arms together and start creating fire. "Water vs Fire, the winner will be obvious."
To avoid the fireball, I turn where it would hit to water until it's past me, then solidify myself. I take a few steps towards him - better accuracy and power if I'm closer, right? - before launching a scythe like blade of water.
I get hit by a few of the blades and hop back and feel cuts in my skin. "S-Sam... STOP!" I start to create loads of fire, until I basically become it. I keep going, getting hotter and hotter, hoping the flames and heat will evaporate the girl. But generating so much power is painful, so I try to focus.
I don't recognise the flames as a threat, whatever Mitch injected in me has complete control. I note that the blades were more effective than the water balls, so I launch another round of blades.
I advance a few steps, turning into water to avoid his fire roar. When I try to solidify, however, I find that some water evaporated. I can't solidify my entire body. I can still use my arms though, from which I create a ball of water to throw at him.
I fire a few water balls in rapid succession, but all three of them miss him by just a tiny amount. I fire a fourth one, someone more time aiming to be more accurate.
Being small, I roll to the side and dodge it slightly, but get hit by the very side of it. "Dad, make her stop!" "..." I continue to watch.
I stand up weakly, then charge at her, deciding if I punch her, I might be able to knock her out, so I don't have to kill her or the other way around. I set my arms on fire.
Distracted slightly by Jean's sudden charge, my next ball of matter misses completely. By the time I ready another one, he's already within attacking range.