{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting

Byakuran heard footsteps from nearby, but kept his position still. The footsteps must belong to a female, judging on how light they sounded. The sad melody of a violin spread throughout the area following the steps. Byakuran pulled his hands out from under his chin, and opened his eyes, a smile remaining on his face.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Sina wandered through the forest.She stumbled upon a large tree,holding hundreds of berries.'Hmm,I obviously won't be able to reach those,but maybe I can strike them down...'She thinks to herself.Pulling out her wand,she sends a lightning bolt at the tree,causing several large branches and many berries to fall down.The noise of the branch resonated throughout the forest.'I hope that doesn't attract any wolves,'she thinks to herself.


Asher jumps down from the tree,accidently kicking a white haired man.'Sh**,'he thinks to himself.
Byakuran heard footsteps from nearby, but kept his position still. The footsteps must belong to a female, judging on how light they sounded. The sad melody of a violin spread throughout the area following the steps. Byakuran pulled his hands out from under his chin, and opened his eyes, a smile remaining on his face.

- - - Post Merge - - -


in Freljord

Sonata frowned. Why is he smiling? When I'm sad, everyone is sad. There's something different about him. She decided to introduce herself.

"Hello?" she said curiously.
Sina wandered through the forest.She stumbled upon a large tree,holding hundreds of berries.'Hmm,I obviously won't be able to reach those,but maybe I can strike them down...'She thinks to herself.Pulling out her wand,she sends a lightning bolt at the tree,causing several large branches and many berries to fall down.The noise of the branch resonated throughout the forest.'I hope that doesn't attract any wolves,'she thinks to herself.


Asher jumps down from the tree,accidently kicking a white haired man.'Sh**,'he thinks to himself.

(Wow Leela,that's...That's great.)
Edit:(Didn't mean to reply to myself...>.<)
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Byakuran stood up as he heard a female voice greet him. He didn't need to turn around to know that this was the voice of the violin girl. "What song were you playing?" he asked, no curiosity mixed in his smooth icy voice. It almost sounded like an order, rather than a question. Byakuran wasn't expecting a response from her, as most people seemed to get scared away when he spoke to them. His hair blew gently, as the rain drops sprinkled down on them.
Byakuran stood up as he heard a female voice greet him. He didn't need to turn around to know that this was the voice of the violin girl. "What song were you playing?" he asked, no curiosity mixed in his smooth icy voice. It almost sounded like an order, rather than a question. Byakuran wasn't expecting a response from her, as most people seemed to get scared away when he spoke to them. His hair blew gently, as the rain drops sprinkled down on them.

in Freljord

"I was just improvising" replied Sonata, ignoring the man's subtle attempt to get rid of her. "By the way, I'm Sonata. Not that you'll care." She took a seat next to him.

"You know, there's something special about you. I can usually manipulate people's feelings, but I can't seem to influence you. Would you know why that is?" She said playfully, but also accusingly.
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Yuuya Kizami.jpg
Name: Yuuya
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Shuriman
Personality: Due to being a Shuriman, he loves killing and violence. Dislikes the cold. Usually calm, but is very rude when he panics or is worried/scared. Reckless. Cold and mean. Can occasionally be nice, but rarely. Ignorant and annoying most of the time. Likes to torture people before finally killing them.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, physical based powers): Spikes can burst out of his skin, running along his arms and legs, which he can use to fight. Incredibly painful when they appear (Painful to Yuuya), and even more painful when Yuuya forces them to appear, resulting in the spikes becoming more jagged and sharp-edged, but rips up his skin when they appear.
Weapon: Two daggers.
Talents: Very fast and a good fighter.
Flaws: Gets angry very easily, reckless, bad at hiding.
Sonata sat beside Byakuran, and he took this gesture as a chance to check her appearance. She was definitely shorter than him, with blue hair. So she made her song up on the spot? Impressive.

"That's an interesting ability. As for myself, I don't know." He shrugged as he finished his sentence, casting his gaze forwards once more. "Byakuran. My name is Byakuran." Usually Byakuran didn't give away his name, but this girl impressed him with her music skill and the way she wasn't afraid to talk to him.
Sonata sat beside Byakuran, and he took this gesture as a chance to check her appearance. She was definitely shorter than him, with blue hair. So she made her song up on the spot? Impressive.

"That's an interesting ability. As for myself, I don't know." He shrugged as he finished his sentence, casting his gaze forwards once more. "Byakuran. My name is Byakuran." Usually Byakuran didn't give away his name, but this girl impressed him with her music skill and the way she wasn't afraid to talk to him.

in Freljord

"Oh, do you like music too?" Sonata felt more comfortable now that Byakuran had engaged in conversation. "Or do you have some other special talent? I could play you another song if you like!"
Byakuran couldn't hide a smirk at Sonata's sudden open friendliness. "I love music, especially singing." he murmured. "Why don't you show me some more of your songs?" he offered, keeping his violet gaze forwards. Wind and rain blew his white hair slightly.
Byakuran enjoyed music, commonly singing or listening to songs in his spare time. It made his days a little more exciting.
Byakuran couldn't hide a smirk at Sonata's sudden open friendliness. "I love music, especially singing." he murmured. "Why don't you show me some more of your songs?" he offered, keeping his violet gaze forwards. Wind and rain blew his white hair slightly.
Byakuran enjoyed music, commonly singing or listening to songs in his spare time. It made his days a little more exciting.

in Freljord

"Well, I might just play a love song that I learned recently. Maybe you could sing along if you recognise it!" Sonata hoped she wouldn't seem too inappropriate. She was only trying to show off her skills, not seduce him. Then again, she did feel a strange attraction towards the man...