Ahri walked through the Ionian forest silently as she looked for something to eat. She could eat back at her own house but she decided that she wanted to have some fun by messing with some people or animals. It was rather dark besides the full moon illuminating the lush grass, but her fox night vision was working nicely, allowing her to see. Her hazel eyes were caught by an Ionian couple, holding hands by a small creek. Her fox ears perked up as she watched them, wondering what love ever felt like. However, she was a "demonic" figure that used 'love' to lure in her victims, so she wondered if she'd ever feel it herself.
Kieren wondered into the forest looking for nice little place where he could set up and sketch. He didn't have any worries or any responsibilities do it was easy for him to slip away for hours on end to do whatever he pleased. It was a simple life, but it often got lonely. But that wasn't what Kieren focused on. Whatever dark thoughts that lingered on his mind would often be pushed down and replaced by childish fantasies and exploring the unknown. With is art supplies in his old leather bag, he made his way down to the perfect spot, stopping once to pick a few berries from a small bush. Upon arriving at a creek he took a seat down on a large rock and retrieved his sketchbook from his bag, along with a pencil. The young elf took a deep breath, taking in his surroundings, enjoying the calm scenery a moment longer before getting to work.
Ahri's ears stood up as she heard some footsteps in the forest somewhere, but the couple had left a little while ago so there were more people in here with her. She wondered what more Ionians were doing in the forest at this time of night. Her hazel eyes glistened when the moonlight hit them and she decided to step closer to the clearing that held the small stream and sit on a mossy tree stump that was nearby.
TIME: Early Night Time WEATHER: Clear, full moon
Ahri let out a small yawn as she woke up on the mossy forest ground, noticing the sunlight burst through the treetops. The forest was so lush and green, hints of blue highlighted trees on some areas. She lifted up her dainty hand and felt light rainfall in the vast forest and she stood up, hoping to go back to town.
Kieren had fallen asleep shortly after sketching the beautiful surroundings of the Forest. He hadn't meant to but the trip back home seemed much too far. He was awoken by a small droplet that fell from the leaves of the tree above him. Another gloomy day? Not so good for drawing it seemed. Gathering his things the young elf stood and began to make his way back into town.
Ahri was walking through town when she noticed a shy looking blonde elf with a bag of art supplies enter the town. This intrigued her and caused her inner killer instincts to bug her. However, she wanted to observe him closer before she would even think of approaching him. She gazed up as the roaring waterfall fell down the cliffs from the edge of the Ionian town. The houses were beautifully artistic miniature zen castles. Ahri flinched as a cherry blossom petal landed on her nose, but she shook it off and fixed her yellow eyes on the boy once more.
(hello, everyone! can't wait to start this rp journey with you all haha)
Byakuran walked through the village, stopping at a high-up point that overlooked the forest.
The forest looked so peaceful, the trees swaying lightly in the light rain. He sat down, resting his hands on one of his knees and placing his head on his hands, relaxing. Byakuran's deep violet eyes shut gently, as a mysterious smile stuck plastered on his face. The raindrops hit his hair and figure gently, dampening his snowy white locks.
He didn't move to cover his head or get under cover, as the rain didn't bother him.
The town was as calm and peaceful as always. There wasn't many people around, like always. The small town was so calm, so peaceful, but one couldn't help but feel a small sense of loneliness. Maybe, Kieren thought, he should return to the forest and kind new people. Oh that would be nice. But first he'd need to drop off his things.
Kieren made his way to a small house beside a large cherry blossom tree. It wasn't much, but he lived alone and rarely spent too much time in it. It was perfect for the essentials, sleeping, eating, more sleeping. He didn't spent too much time there. It was a mess anyway so he didn't have company over anyway. The walls were covered in drawings and paintings, and the floor cluttered with books. As he got closer, lost in his thoughts, Kieren felt a strange sense that he was being watched. He paused and looked around but wasn't able to see anyone. He'd learned early on how to protect himself but the elf wasn't a warrior. And he didn't have any weapon in his either. Anyone else in his position wouldve panicked. But Kieren knly smiled and shouted. "Come out! I know you're there! Don't worry, I don't bite!"
Ahri's tails began to bunch into one as she felt the urge control her. She felt like trying to capture him in one of her charms, however she felt as if she shouldn't be doing this to Ionian men. Ahri's ears perked as he didn't even seem to be afraid of what could possibly be watching over him, so she walked down the pavement stairs and approached the light appearing elf boy but stayed back about a flight of stairs, levitating the orb in her hands. Her killer instincts were burning inside of her but she did decide in all fairness that messing with the men of Ionia would probably get her killed.
"Hello, stranger.." She said in a quiet voice, her tone wasn't exactly friendly or scared, just neutral sounding. Her nine fox tails surrounded her and were all visible as she controlled herself.
Sonata strolled through the village, gazing down at the forest. She often ventured into the woods when she wanted some peace and quiet, although she didn't feel like exploring the forest right now. She absent-mindedly began to play a sad melody on her violin; she often used her instrument to manipulate people's emotions, and she was feeling particularly melancholic today. Then, she looked up and noticed a man with violet eyes sitting alone in the rain.