• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting

"No,I do..."Lance says.He puts his lips against Yuuya's,trying to bite off his tongue.

Iris looks at him,raising an eyebrow."You know you have daggers?Right?"She says as the spell begins breaking away from her and her sanity slow begins returning.
His tongue started bleeding, his entire mouth rapidly turning crimson, an insanely large amount of blood pouring out of his mouth.
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Lance squished the little bits of tongue between his teeth.He pulled out the daggers.He put one to Yuuya's eye,and gently twisted it around.
Lance soon,too came to his senses."Oh,I'm sorry!"He panicks,spitting out Yuuya's tongue.

"Don't worry,he'll be alright,"Iris glares at them,as she plays a healing melody on her lyre.
Yuuya's tongue fell out his mouth, the chunks of tongue meat falling out in a mixture of blood, making a disgusting slopping noise. His eyes widened as his eyes and tongue reappeared. He blinked. "Wow! That was fun!" He giggled.
"Now that we're all back to our senses,well,not you Yuuya,but I guess that's not a spell,"Iris shrugs."We should have dinner,I'll be back.One of you can get the food.."Iris glares up at them.
"What do you mean I'm not back to my senses!" He growled. He pulled out Iris's tongue from his pocket. "Can we eat this?"
"How about we eat something that didn't come from any of us..."Iris says,walking away.
Sina went to the treehouse."Hey,Marie!Are you up there?"

Iris soon returned with her usualy,peppy smile."Time to eat!"

Lance consantrated as a vultur landed on the desert sand.He killed it with poison,then extracted the deadly substance."You got here just in time!"
Iris teared a piece of meat off the vulture,slowly eating it.

Lance quickly dug into the vulture's body."Yuuya,you should try this."
"Alright. It's not poisoned, is it?" Yuuya laughed jokingly, ripping off the vulture's head and eating it, but spitting out the fragments of the skull.
"Yup,you're going to die now,"Lance says sarcastically,eating the meat from it's leg.
"Oh nooooooooo!" Yuuya yelled jokingly, collapsing onto the floor jokingly. "I've been poisoned, help meeeee!" He laughs.
"Okay,then the poison will slowly contaminate your body,until you die,"Lance chuckles.