{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting

"Sorry, I'm not really a very social person," Marie said quietly, trailing behind Sina as the pair approached the caf?. Marie hadn't been to the caf? very much, as she preferred to be alone out in the forest.
in Freljord

"That was incredible!" Sonata said excitedly when she had finished playing. "You're amazing at singing. Did someone teach you, or are you a natural? Forgive me, I ask a lot of questions." The song was so beautiful that it had evoked powerful emotions from Sonata.

Byakuran smiled. "I taught myself when I was younger." he admitted, then decided to change the topic to her. "You're the amazing one though, where did you learn to play like that?" Byakuran folded his arms, not minding all the questions.
Byakuran smiled. "I taught myself when I was younger." he admitted, then decided to change the topic to her. "You're the amazing one though, where did you learn to play like that?" Byakuran folded his arms, not minding all the questions.

in Freljord

"I don't know really, I've just always been able to play! I can play other instruments too. I love the piano but it's not ideal to drag around..." Sonata said, glad they had found that they could bond over music.

"Listen, I should really get going, but I'd love to speak to you again sometime!"
Kieren's eyes narrowed at her response, unable to tell whether she was lying or not. He certainly hadn't seen her around before, that was certain. He tilted his head slightly, still smiling at the stranger who hesitantly revealed herself. Well, not exactly, but at least Kieren knew her name now. That was a start. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Ahri." He replied, smiling still. Her features were strange, but undoubtedly beautiful. She'd be an Excellent model. Not for a sketch, not he'd have to capture every detail. A painting would be much more appropriate. No! Focus, Kieren, the elf told himself. First things first. "I'm sorry to be straightforward but why were you watching me? Am I wanted somewhere? I don't think I've broken anything important. Stolen..Hmm.. Or are you just following me? That's a bit weird if you ask me but I don't judge..!"

Ahri's eyes broke from his when he asked why she was watching him. Her tails flicked with impatience as she tried to think of an excuse to why she was doing it, or she could just lie.
"I wasn't watching you. I just noticed you walked in to town." She said, her eyebrows narrowed. Her gaze refused to meet his as she turned to look at the waterfall to the left of them.
Ahri's eyes broke from his when he asked why she was watching him. Her tails flicked with impatience as she tried to think of an excuse to why she was doing it, or she could just lie.
"I wasn't watching you. I just noticed you walked in to town." She said, her eyebrows narrowed. Her gaze refused to meet his as she turned to look at the waterfall to the left of them.
"Uh-Huh..." Kieren hummed, obviously not believing one word of it. But he didn't let it bother him. He chuckled softly, turning away from her. It wasn't likely that she'd Attack him now. If her intentions were to harm him in any way she would've done it by now. At least that's what Kieren hoped. "Well alright, you saw me come into town. Did you want anything from me? A portrait perhaps? It won't be cheap. It'll cost you exactly one cup of tea." A light smirk appeared on his lips as he glanced back at her.
Ahri frowned, this guy's positivity was annoying her. Her ears flattened as he asked if she wanted a portrait.
"No, I don't want one." She looked at him as he was turned away, urging to try killing him but she didn't want to in town. Even then, she was just grumpy. She lifted her hand and the blue orb levitated above her hands and she watched it, the crystal blue reflection in her yellow irises.
"I see... Goodbye, then. It was nice talking to you, see you around." Byakuran dismissed her with a small smirk, and began walking back to the central area of the village. He admitted, he did enjoy their conversation and getting to sing.
As long as they were a part of the same ethnicity, it was implied they would meet again.
Byakuran was feeling quite hungry now, so he decided to go eat at home.
It wasn't the first time Kieren had gotten a flat out "no" about a drawing or painting. Many people didn't appreciate art like others. He understood that. So that didn't dampen his spirit in the slightest. Unfortunetly for Ahri it took a lot more than that to bring this elf down. He shrugged. "Alright. What if I offer you a free drawing? With that orb thing in it! You're beautiful and Id hate to miss the chance to draw you." He wasn't flirting, even it came across that way. Kieren was simply stating a fact that he wasn't afraid to say.
(omg kieren is such a cutie lol)

Ahri noticed he wasn't about to back down. It wouldn't exactly harm her to let him if he wanted to draw or something.
"Uh, if that's what you'd like, then I guess so." She said, the orb spun around her body and through her tails until he returned to her hand. She grabbed the long braid behind her and fixed it before throwing it over her back again.

(idk this picture makes her look better)

Marie walked into the caf?, and spotted an unoccupied table with two chairs in the corner. "Let's sit there then."
"Really? Uh, thanks. I'll have, uh," Marie muttered. Having very rarely been to the caf?, she didn't really know what she liked and what she didn't. "Surprise me, I guess?"
(Eheheheh <3)

Kieren could be a little pushing sometimes but half of the time it worked out for him. Other times it got him in deep trouble. Thankfully that wasn't the case right now. At least not yet. The elf smiles brightly when she accepted, already excited to get to drawing. He watched the orb move around, fascinated by it. As Ahri fixed her hair Kieren dug into his bag, searching for his things. "Would you like to sit down? I won't take long but I wouldn't want you to get tired." He offered, gesturing to a small bench that was directly under a cherry blossom tree.
"Okay,"Sina walks to the counter."Hi!Can I get two peppermint frappachinos?"She asks.Sina soon brings back two drinks."Here's your mystery drink,"Sina smirks."Don't worry,it's good."

Asher was walking back to his house,when he accidently bumped into a girl with long white hair.
(Um.. Girl w long white hair, so me?)
I am training when someone bumps into me and knocks the breath out of me.
"Hey!" I protest.
"Thanks Sina," Marie smiled as she accepted the frappuccino. This looks weird, is it actually nice? She wondered as she took her first sip. "Mmm...."
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"Sorry,"Asher says quickly."What are you doing?"

Sina begins gulping it down,soon finishing it.'Uh...I hope no one was watching!That could ruin my life...'