{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting

(Sorry, it was getting late and I think I fell asleep xD)
"Huh? Did you say something?" Marie asked, as she finally returned to reality from her thoughts.

(It's okay...xD Luckily,I'm sick in bed.Wait,why luckilyzmy?I meant to say..Luckily I hate sleep and I woke up at 2 am.:) And I have nothing better to do because my neighborhood is boring and built in the middle of a ganster place, I'm also sick in bec so let's RP!xD)

"No,no!I didn't say anything at all!"Sina says,panicking.
She smiled. Marie really liked her new friend, Sina didn't seem to mind that she spent way too much time lost in her own thoughts. "You know, you're the first friendly person I've talked to in, well, months. Possibly over a year, I can't remember precisely how long."
"It is," Marie said. She looked down at the table, and paused briefly before continuing. "I spend most of my time in the forest, because I like nature, so I don't see many people anyway. And the ones who do pass by often aren't very nice at all."
Marie looked around as everyone else in the caf? turned to look at them. "Uh... Maybe that was a little loud..."
Sina looked up."Ah!"She screams,falling out of her chair.'I'm such an idiot...'She thinks to herself.
"...You okay?" Marie asked, when Sina fell from her chair. She offered out her hand to help her up. "Why don't we go somewhere else to talk?"
Marie got up from her seat. "C'mon, let's go, uh..." She paused as it occurred to her that she didn't exactly know where in the village were fun places to go, since she spent all her time in the forest.
"Uh..." My house is a mess, we probably shouldn't go there... Marie thought. "Let's go to the forest, I guess? Oh, so can show you the treehouse I started a while ago too."
"Let's go then." Marie lead the way to where she started her tree house, through the forest. "It's not much, since I never finished it," She said on the way. "There's the base, and I think two walls actually finished?"
"Too much work for one person. And, this may sound silly, but... I'm scared of heights... I'm fine on some of the lower branches, but if I try to get up higher to add to the tree house, I panic and can't get back down."
(I've gotta go out, sorry!)
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