{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting

Zed growled once more and attempted to separate the two of them with his hands.
"I said enough." He said, the mask causing his eyes to glow blue.
Yuuya yelped as he felt the poison, but it stopped hurting after a few seconds. Doesn't... feel like... anything..." He growled, attempting to rip off the eye, hanging from Lance's eyesocket. He noticed a masked man who was infront of them.
"What do you mean?Fighting?No,we were just playing around,"Lance puts on a fake smile,gritting his teeth in pain.
Zed's impatience was clearly shown.
"Idiots. You're clearly not. ENOUGH. We can go look for something else to kill."
"That's what I was saying,"Lance glared at him."I was hunting for food when this guy attacks me!"
"Oh,but shopping for your prey isn't nearly as much fun as getting to kill them yourself,"Lance laughs.
"Then enjoy getting your eyes cut out." Zed said, his masked face showing no expression and it was sort of creepy.
Zed growled and the retractable blades showed themselves and he walked up to Lance.
"You fight and embarrass your own kind again and you'll taste cold hard steel."
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Yuuya listened to their conversation, unsure if Lance's eye was still dangling from its socket or ripped off entirely. "Umm..."
(Will there be leaders in this RP too?.-.)

"How intimidating..."Lance chuckles.The fights over,no need to keep getting mad."

"You're scared of heights?"Sina raises an eyebrow,smirking."Couldn't you have just built a cottage or something then?"She says chuckling.

(I'm back ;))
"Well, yeah, I guess, but I like nature. A treehouse is actually in a tree, surrounded by nature." Marie looked up at the unfinished treehouse, then back down at the trunk of a tree. Oh right, there's nothing to use as footholds, I used vines to climb this tree before... She thought. She placed the palm of her hand against the trunk, and a few seconds later a thick green vine grew down from a high branch.
(idk, i dont think its necessary.)

TIME: Noon time
WEATHER: Sunny, warm, no wind
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"Your not?Well then your happy mood sure is something,"Lance giggles,rubbing the back of his head.