(Yeah, she's just sitting on her roof
[you're going to kill him from embarrassment XD]
"Don't you see it? It's right there," I say, pointing to nothing. "I bet if you had - er, if we had a magnifying glass, we could see it." I say, still blushing eighty-three shades of red.
I got down on my hands and knees, facing away from him, squinting at the ground. "Either you're lying to me, or your seeing things..." I murmured, still looking for the crack.
(I don't think it's possible to die from embarrassment...)
I watch in horror as she bends over to stare at the non-existing crack in the floor. Worse, her dress isn't very long and exposes a bit of her perfectly-shaped bum. I try to divert my gaze and think clean thoughts, but it's too late to turn back now. I feel a stirring in my pants, and I curse quietly under my breath. "Oh, maybe it's just my um eyes. S-should we go now?" I say, blushing & trying to focus on things to reduce the swelling in my pants and failing. 'Oh ground swallow me up right now...Don't please oh please don't let her see'I think in vain.
"Sure." I reply, getting up. "What's wrong? You look kinda tense." I comment, looking a bit worried.
"Yeah, I was nice of you to take me out." I say, smiling. Glancing down, I saw the mound in his pants. 'Dammit... I'm going to die from laughter... Life is so short...' I think to myself, biting my lip, getting red from holding in my giggles. Glancing towardds the ground, I did my best to put on a strait face.