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RP- Mekakucity Actors (kagerou Daze)


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2015
Throwback Tickets
May Birthstone (Emerald)

Let us begin our tale
It all started in a strange land, just like any other tale
Oh, but it was kinda strange
how it seemed like it could be any place

[If you know which song I changed the lyrics of and just used then i applaud you]

Anyways... Welcome, fellow gang members, to the mekakucity Actors RP! Anyone will be allowed to apply, but I am going to be fairly strict as to the applications I let in.

Basically, the Mekakushi Dan exists, but instead of Kido, Kano, Seto and Mary, we're going to have our own characters. There isn't a strict guideline as to where the plot's going to go on other than that.

-2 characters maximum, and make it clear who you're currently controlling
-romance allowed, but keep it pg 13
-swears allowed, but don't use them excessively
-please, please, please try to use correct grammar
-Also Don't Type Like This Please
-try to make all your posts at least a short paragraph. If you're continuously posting one sentence responses, I'll have to give you a warning
-don't be too OP or a Mary Sue. If you are, I'll give you a warning
-Everyone has three chances before I kick them out of the RP, which I'd prefer not to do
-mods are me and MayorEvvie

Eye power: (eye power+what it does)
How you got/are going to get your eye power: (e.g. in a car crash)
Appearance: (needs an image)
Position: (e.g. member of the Mekakushi Dan)
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: (yes/no)

Name: Mira
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She’s generally appears fairly calm and collected, not letting emotions appear on her face. She’s also extremely sarcastic. Despite her mature exterior, she’s actually rather childish, not liking to lose and sometimes being reduced to petty things such as poking people or sticking her tongue out. She also has an extremely sweet tooth, eating sweets almost exclusively. Enjoys listening to music and drawing and dislikes people continuously interrupting and annoying her and losing. Also loves puzzles and such, like jigsaws. Has a phobia against water. Extremely intelligent.
Eye power: Feline eyes. It gives her the ability to jump abnormally high, run extremely fast and be unusually flexible.
How you got your eye power: she fell off a cliff, into the ocean. She and her family were on holiday. Despite her parent’s frequent warnings about staying away from the cliffs, she still wandered too close to the edge and lost her footing, plummeting down towards the water, but before she could hit it, she was swallowed into the heat haze.
Background: she’d lived an ordinary life up until she fell from the cliff. When she’d come back, she couldn’t find her parents, thus was taken to an orphanage. Whilst there, she met Shiroko and Kuromi. She formed the Mekakushi Dan with them and hid from the public eye.

Often wears Necomimis (cat ears that move depending on your emotions). Also wears black ankle boots.
Position: Co-leader of the Mekakushi Dan
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: Yes
Name:Shiroko Kushi
Age: 17
Gender: F
Personality: Shiroko is quiet and well mannered. She doesn't speak much at all, and only if necessary. To sum it up in one word: dandere.
Eye power: Muted Eyes
How you got/are going to get your eye power: After her and her sister fell off a rollecoaster, and noone noticed because of how much they were chatting, they entered the Heat Haze. Both escaped, and Shiroko wished that everyone "could just be silenced".
Background:Her and her sister, Kuromi. grew up in a high class household, but often escaped out to theme parks. After the Heat Haze, both of them were adopted, where they met Mira, who also had eye powers. Together they formed the Mekakushi Dan, and hid from the public eye. Shiroko was reported dead to the general public in order for her to live safely.
Appearance: http://orig14.deviantart.net/f389/f/...23-d8brvr7.png (Shiroko is the blonde one)
Position: Co-Founder.
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: yah


Name:Kuromi Kushi
Age: 19
Gender: F
Personality: Kuromi is rebellious but also mature and protective of Shiroko. She can defend her self too.
Eye power: Mimicing Eyes
How you got/are going to get your eye power: After her and her sister fell off a rollecoaster, and noone noticed because of how much they were preoccupied with their phones, they entered the Heat Haze. Both escaped, and Kuromi wished to be able to mimic things to save them.
Background:Her and her sister, Shiroko, grew up in a high class household, but often escaped out to theme parks. After the Heat Haze, both of them were adopted, where they met Mira, who also had eye powers. Together they formed the Mekakushi Dan, and hid from the public eye. Shiroko was reported dead to the general public in order for her to live safely.
Appearance: http://orig14.deviantart.net/f389/f/...23-d8brvr7.png (Kuromi is the brunette)
Position: Co-Founder.
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: yah
Name: Nami
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality: reserved // dirty minded // brutal yet caring
Eye power: changing eyes (the ability to modify or go through someone's memories)
How you got/are going to get your eye power: attempted suicide but while someone tried saving her, she both ended up escaping the haze
Background: had a so called 'perfect' life up until her second year of highschool. she was backstabbed and betrayed by everyone dear to her and ended up falling into isolation - locked herself indoors, turned to video games & anime to occupy herself, binged on food, etc. she was basically a mess and had nowhere to turn to once she opened her eyes and realized that shes just wasting her life doing nothing. fast forward to after the escaping the heat haze - //i'll edit this i a moment once my creativity kicks in
Appearance: http://axgig.com/images/38416668526494153557.jpg
Position: member
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: yes

Name: Dani

Age: 17

Gender: F/female

Personality: shy // quiet // charming // kind once you get to know her

Eye power: her eye power can view future vision, and it can't view nearer than 5 weeks into the future. (plz let me know if this is bad//)

How you got/are going to get your eye power: She got it when she was 12. She got it in a water roller coaster. She got splashed by the water but got it in her eyes. she had been blinded for about a week. her vision never came back so they sent Dani to the hospital. they realized that it was life-threatening since it was chlorine water, so they left Dani to die. She entered the Heat Haze and died.

Background: she once was a happy, bubbly little girl, but when she got to 8th grade that's when the trouble started. she got bullied a lot, picked on, teased and harassed. she gave up and begged her parents to homeschool her. they politely agreed and she's been homeschooled since. she has very little friends now, and doesn't even try to make friends.


Position: member

Have they already unlocked their eye power?: yes!​

Name: Miyuki Dekomori
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold to new people / doesn't like to let her emotions show / holds in her anger / is sarcastic / deep down cares a lot about others.
Eye power: (eye power+what it does) True emotion reading
How you got/are going to get your eye power: (e.g. in a car crash) Was stabbed on her journey home from work.
Background: Was once loud and bubbly and always surrounded by friends. When her father died, her sister was left caring for her, and her friends slowly drifted apart from her, resulting in her cold and seemingly uncaring personality.
Appearance: (needs an image) Position: (e.g. member of the Mekakushi Dan) Member
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: (yes/no) Yes

Name: Mio Tanaka
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Mio is considered mentally unstable and extremely confident. Mio is crazy, hyperactive and over the top. She is an amazing fighter, extremely skilled in big blunt weapons like bats and mallets. She is loud and very talkative, with her being very childishish in a way. She loves to cause pain, harm and hurt people due to her rough upbringing and her snap in mental state after her death. She has multiple personalities, sometimes going from extremely happy to unbelievably psychotic and brutal. Her personality is harsh to those she does not like, and she is very rude. Her crazy ways has led to her not really having many friends, her outgoing attitude putting people off... Along with the fact she uses her powers for evil.
Eye power: Hysteria eyes- Makes her brutal and psychotic when in physical confrontations
How you got/are going to get your eye power: Mio was born into her family business, a traveling circus, and at the age of 12 one of her stunts went wrong, which caused her to fall and hit her head, which she luckily survived. After this injury there was server damage to her brain which causes her to act in the psychotic way she does. She was thrown out by her parents who didn't want to care for her as she couldn't perform her act anymore and was becoming to much to handle. Mio was left homeless, and one night five months later she was stabbed to death by another homeless person in an alley.
Background: As stated above Mio was born into a traveling circus, trained as an acrobat until her injury. She was abonded and left on the streets until she died from a homeless man mugging her at the age of 12. Since she has returned to life, Mio wants revenge on the world that did not care for her.
Appearance: Position: Rogue (Villian kinda) (e.g. member of the Mekakushi Dan)
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: Yup!

Name: Aki Suzuki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: She's a cheerful and energetic girl, never letting anything get her down for longer than a day. If she does get into a really sad state, she can be like that for ages and makes it known. She does her best to cheer up those around her and loves to just make everyone smile. To some, she can come off as a bit ditzy and annoying but if you take the time to know her, you know she's smarter than she looks and she knows when she needs to be serious. Otherwise, she's childish and sweet 99% of the time.
Eye power: Blinking Eye. She can teleport in the blink of an eye, but it does take up her energy to do so. It varies on things such as how far she has to go, how many people are going with her and how often she does it. For fun, she could blip around the room a bit to annoy her brother, but it makes her dizzy afterwards.
How you got/are going to get your eye power: Both her and her brother got taken as hostages when they were out with some friends and eating at a cafe. They were the only ones who didn't make it out because they stepped out of line in order to protect everyone else. When they entered the haze, she wanted to make sure people could escape through her.
Background: She's always been close with her brother, choosing to stick with him over others. She's gotten used to dislike people have shown towards her and her brother over the years, but it doesn't mean she still doesn't feel hurt. It was after she went on a day out with her brother and some of his friends did they enter the haze and when they escaped, she noticed their family long ago stopped really caring about them, so her brother decided it would be best for them to just leave. So, together, the siblings ran away to find a new place to call home and start a new life.
Position: Member, but I guess not yet if you want people to join a bit later to rp purposes. XD
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: Yup


Name: Kei Suzuki
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He's extremely protective of Aki, never letting the girl out of his sight for more than a few minutes. That being said, he's a rather friendly guy who seems to be rather laid back. When put next to his sister, it'd be hard to tell the two are related from their differences in personality. But, he's mostly there to support Aki and keep her happy and be there to help her when she screws up. He also has the puppets on hand at all times to cheer Aki up when she gets upset.
Eye power: Fearing Eyes: Allows him to temporarily make whoever looks into his eyes see everything as their own living nightmare and him as a terrifying monster. This usually only lasts for a few minutes.
How you got/are going to get your eye power: When he and Aki were held hostages at a cafe, they were the only two to not make it because of protecting everyone else. When they entered the haze, he wanted to make sure he could strike fear into the hearts of anyone who tried to hurt those around him
Background: He grew up with nicer friends in comparison to Aki. Though, sometimes they would ask for him to blank her or not allow her to come along, but he couldn't understand why. He protected Aki from many bullies and let himself get beat up time and time again to protect her and when he realised their parents didn't care for them anymore even though they were back safely, he saved up as much money as he could for a solid year before taking Aki with him to a new place away from their past life.
Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com...ff84eae710.jpg
Position: Member, but not quite yet like his sister.
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: Yep!

That is all I have left to say, the end is now slipping away...​
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Name:Shiroko Kushi
Age: 17
Gender: F
Personality: Shiroko is quiet and well mannered. She doesn't speak much at all, and only if necessary. To sum it up in one word: dandere.
Eye power: Muted Eyes
How you got/are going to get your eye power: After her and her sister fell off a rollecoaster, and noone noticed because of how much they were chatting, they entered the Heat Haze. Both escaped, and Shiroko wished that everyone "could just be silenced".
Background:Her and her sister, Kuromi. grew up in a high class household, but often escaped out to theme parks. After the Heat Haze, both of them were adopted, where they met Mira, who also had eye powers. Together they formed the Mekakushi Dan, and hid from the public eye. Shiroko was reported dead to the general public in order for her to live safely.
Appearance: http://orig14.deviantart.net/f389/f/2014/363/c/8/anime_render_14_by_marioantonio23-d8brvr7.png (Shiroko is the blonde one)
Position: Co-Founder.
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: yah


Name:Kuromi Kushi
Age: 19
Gender: F
Personality: Kuromi is rebellious but also mature and protective of Shiroko. She can defend her self too.
Eye power: Mimicing Eyes
How you got/are going to get your eye power: After her and her sister fell off a rollecoaster, and noone noticed because of how much they were preoccupied with their phones, they entered the Heat Haze. Both escaped, and Kuromi wished to be able to mimic things to save them.
Background:Her and her sister, Shiroko, grew up in a high class household, but often escaped out to theme parks. After the Heat Haze, both of them were adopted, where they met Mira, who also had eye powers. Together they formed the Mekakushi Dan, and hid from the public eye. Shiroko was reported dead to the general public in order for her to live safely.
Appearance: http://orig14.deviantart.net/f389/f/2014/363/c/8/anime_render_14_by_marioantonio23-d8brvr7.png (Kuromi is the brunette)
Position: Co-Founder.
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: yah
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Name: Nami
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality: reserved // dirty minded // brutal yet caring
Eye power: changing eyes (the ability to modify or go through someone's memories)
How you got/are going to get your eye power: attempted suicide but while someone tried saving her, she both ended up escaping the haze
Background: had a so called 'perfect' life up until her second year of highschool. she was backstabbed and betrayed by everyone dear to her and ended up falling into isolation - locked herself indoors, turned to video games & anime to occupy herself, binged on food, etc. she was basically a mess and had nowhere to turn to once she opened her eyes and realized that shes just wasting her life doing nothing. fast forward to after the escaping the heat haze - //i'll edit this i a moment once my creativity kicks in
Appearance: http://axgig.com/images/38416668526494153557.jpg
Position: member
Have they already unlocked their eye power?: yes
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Omfg that is the funniest thing xD
I need to make one of those myself
And I just thought it would be better not to join if I barely knew anything.
Also I'm too lazy to find out anything

To be honest, its mainly the base parts of the story-its our own storyline.
So basically, if you die on August 14th or 15th, you go to this magical and wierd place called the Heat Haze. You get some eye power in accordance to a wish , and then you can go back to the real world with this eye power.
For example: "I don't want to be overlooked!" becomes Attention Eye, where you draw everyone's attention to you.
There is a group of people with this powers called the Mekakushi Dan, who investigate the causes of these powers and deal with stuff with it.

Got the gist?
To be honest, its mainly the base parts of the story-its our own storyline.
So basically, if you die on August 14th or 15th, you go to this magical and wierd place called the Heat Haze. You get some eye power in accordance to a wish , and then you can go back to the real world with this eye power.
For example: "I don't want to be overlooked!" becomes Attention Eye, where you draw everyone's attention to you.
There is a group of people with this powers called the Mekakushi Dan, who investigate the causes of these powers and deal with stuff with it.

Got the gist?

Ah I see - thank you!
Sounds pretty coool tbh