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<RP>-<PRIVATE>-Heaven and Hell-A dedication to all ended RPs


Sep 11, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Red Tulip
White Tulip
There is an eternal war between the two worlds- Heaven and Hell. There are soilders in each, Heaven having angels and Hell having demons. The war has been going for eons. No victories, no losses. No one knows who will win. Each soilder helps each side. Depending on what we did in the previous life, we will each end up being a soilder to one side. Each of the sides, whether they are at war or not, are pretty much just a giant city, except closed in. The angels live together in one large building, with a layout of a hotel you could say. Same goes for the demons. When they die in the war, the go into The Eternal Darkness. The only way for them to be brought back is for the opposite leader to resurrect them, which takes a ****-ton of convincing most of the time, even though the leaders are the same person, with two different forms. The leader of the side of the fallen solider cannot immediately morph into the other, the result being the secret spilt.

-No Mary-Sues, you can't be perfect
-Swearing is allowed, but not excessively
-You can have up to two characters so it won't get confusing
-Since this is a dedication to ended RPs, you may take a character from a previous roleplay you were in if you wish. Your own character only
-You may reserve a spot, then create the form later
-Love between a demon and angel is allowed, in fact promoted to make the RP more interesting
-VM me if you have any questions

Player Form~
Character name-
Demon or Angel?-
Link to ended RP (optional)-
How did they die?(optional)-

]Username- Bloobloop
Character name- Yuki
Demon or Angel?- Angel
Link to ended RP (optional)- N/A
Personality- Childish and fun, she's incredibly innocent. She can be a crybaby and gets embarrassed easily.
How did they die?(optional)- She died drowning in a river after tripping in it.
Other- She was sixteen when she died.
Username- Sparro
Character name- Ethan
Demon or Angel?- Angel
Appearance- He is tall, somewhat skinny, very scrawny (though somewhat strong). He normally wears a black hoodie, white shirt, black jeans and black sneakers. He has raven-black hair, pale brown eyes and tan skin.
Link to ended RP (optional)- The War of Four Nations
Personality- Ethan is quiet, and can come off as odd or weird. He can be sarcastic, rude, mean or judgmental. If you get on his good side, he can be sweet, kind, caring and different from his normal self.
How did they die?(optional)- Killed in the line of duty during a seige.
Other- N/A
Username- skarmoury
Character name- Camellia
Demon or Angel?- Demoooon
Appearance- [x]
Link to ended RP (optional)- n/a
Personality- Apathetic and unemotional; she'd rather not open up to anybody. She doesn't like standing out or being the center of attention (that's why she only dresses casually), but given a very dire situation, if you convince her, she can be capable of being a leader. She's incredibly intelligent, as her hobbies include reading thick, educational books, and she believes she'll never find someone who shares the same interest or IQ level with her. She also swears a lot.
How did they die?(optional)- She cared too much once, and from then she promised to never to fully invest herself in anyone. But with the gun in her hand, she realized it was too late to give herself a second chance.
Other- Camellia likes handling guns. She keeps a ton of guns in her closet, and just in case, she tapes a pistol to her backside.
Username: KawaiiLotus
Character name: Lucifer/Lucy
Angel or demon?: Both
Personality: As Lucifer, open, honest, friendly, straight-foward, not what you'd expect from the demon lord
As Lucy, direct, straight-foward, kind, sensitive
Other: The leader of both sides. Was once a human and was cursed to have two halves, good and evil. No one knows it is the leader of both sides and is both genders. Both sides think it is two seperate people. The war happened because its two sides were fighting.
Username- emisenpai12
Character Name- Pieri
Demon or Angel- Angel
Link to ended rp- http://www.belltreeforums.com/showt...LAY-gt-The-War-of-Four-Nations-lt-ROLEPLAY-gt
Personality- You'll see.
How did they die?- Pieri had a cardiac arrest in a village. Her last moments were with her friends, Riri and Aki.
Other- When she was 5 years old, Her mother was killed in front of her. Leaving her scarred for life. She also has a weak heart. (As she died from a cardiac arrest.$
Character name-Thunder
Demon or Angel?-Demon
Link to ended RP (optional)-None!
Personality-Thunder is a very evil guy,is known that he's a pretty intelligent and manipulative person.He has been searched by the crimes of robbing,killing,drugs and genocides however he can be clumsy sometimes he's also can be heated easily
How did they die?(optional)-Died being killed
Other-He doesn't care if his family isn't with him because he killed them
Username- Jawile
Character name- Aions
Demon or Angel?- Angel

Also has a blue Eye of Horus painted over his left eye.
Link to ended RP (optional)- Dark Veil 2
Personality- Extremely outgoing, but a bit strange. Gets very attached to things he loves, and can often act irrationally if someone he cares for is harmed. A bit careless in combat, he charges in to fight head-on.
How did they die?(optional)- Froze to death in a tundra
Other- Used to have insane fits and ice magic due to a curse. The insane fits have gone away, and he has forgotten how to use magic, but he still gets headaches from time to time, clouding his thoughts. Blind in his left eye after being stabbed in a fight.
Username: L CocoaBean
Character name: Kaede Naude
Demon / angel: Demon
Appearance: Personality: She's sadistic, with a dark nature, and is easily infuriated. Is also slightly mad. At rare times she can be understanding.
How they died: Victim of a murder. (This event caused her to loose her mind xD)
Username: Ellaofdarkview
Character Name: Yuno
Demon or Angel: Demon
Link to ended rp: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?334096-lt-Roleplay-gt-The-Empty-City-lt-Roleplay-gt
Personality: Yuno puts on an innocent child act, seeming very kind and sweet to others, but is really malicious. She's extremely violent, and attaches to anyone she likes like a leech, and murders anyone who tries to get close to them. Yuno murdered all of her best friends' other friends just so she could have her all to herself. Yuno tries not to break her act, but sometimes she loses control if someone gets tries to befriend someone close to her.
How did they die?: Suicide
Other: Yuno always has weapons hidden under her dress ruffles. Her age is 6.
Username- Commanderleahshepard
Character name- Hiro Tsutsumi
Demon or Angel?- Demon
Appearance- Link to ended RP (optional)- (The first Dangan Ronpa RP. It didn't die so to say, it finished and there is a sequel but with new characters) http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?289209-Dangan-Ronpa-Roleplay-PRIVATE
Personality- He tends to think he is 'cool'. He is very flirty and can be a bit of a 'bad boy', despite being the ultimate police officer. He knows where to draw the line and can hold his own in a fight, being a good police man despite his outrageous attitude at times.
How did they die?(optional)- Murdered by the student Cheyenne who was manipulated by Frances, who had a yandere crush on Jacob. It was out of revenge since Hiro seemed to be crushing on Jacob (Frances' senpai). He was stabbed to death at a party under a table when the lights went out.
Other- ;)
Username- P o c k y
Character name- Esdeath
Demon or Angel?- Demon
Link to ended RP (optional)- N/A
Personality- Esdeath is a sadist who lacks empathy for people of whom she deems weak. She enjoys putting her enemies through great pain, both physically and emotionally. She has no qualms about killing people to get what she wants. Esdeath loves to fight and holds special respect for strong opponents.
How did they die?(optional)- Esdeath was executed for her torture crimes.
Other- Esdeath used to be a mass murderer until she was caught by police and was executed.
Username- P o c k y
Character name- Stocking
Demon or Angel?- Angel
Link to ended RP (optional)- N/A
Personality- Stocking is a levelheaded and intelligent girl, though she can be rude if provoked. Stocking usually keeps quiet and to herself. A little weird aswell.
How did they die?(optional)- Someone poisoned her cake.
Other- Stocking loves all things sweet. She is almost always seen carrying around a plush cat, Honekoneko (Bone Kitten), whose expressions often match Stocking's mood. She Loves Honekoneko dearly and won't let anyone touch him. Stocking can remove one of her stockings, and it can turn into a Katana that she can use to fight.
Character name- Kaiso
Angel or Demon?- Demon
Link to ended RP(optional)-N/A
Personality- Fearless, yandere, but shy at first. Can be kind and sensitive if you get to know her
How did they die?(optional)- Suicide
Other- Most of her family went to Heaven, but she went to the opposite.
Character name-Jason
Angel or Demon?- Angellioo
Link to ended RP(optional)-http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?217052-roleplay-The-Camp-Continuation-New-Characters-Welcome!&highlight=Camp
Personality-A mildly serious man with a distinct lack of positive qualities. Widely considered to be a absolutely utter twit. Cold and uncaring, and he's a bit hyper. Other than being fairly dull and being a no-good-buttface, he can be slightly interesting to listen to him rambling about whatever, if he can be provoked into doing so.
How did they die?(optional)-N/A
Character name: Molly
Angel or Demon?: Angel
Link to ended RP (optional)- http://www.belltreeforums.com/showth...apped+ROLEPLAY
Personality- She's an introvert, but she will talk to you once you get to know her more. She's often awkward and she doesn't know when she's making someone annoyed or embarrassed. When she was little, she was very peppy and energetic, but when her mother passed away, all of that peppiness changed. She's very shy and gets embarrassed easily.
How did they die?(optional)- She got ran over by a girl in a wheelchair.
Other- N/A
Username- BlueWolf101
Character name- Z
Demon or Angel?- Demon
Link to ended RP (optional)- http://www.belltreeforums.com/showt...n-Horror-RP!&highlight=welcome+to+our+mansion
Personality- Child-like and oblivious, she skips around and sings a lot. It's as if she's still stuck in her younger years, where she adores cute things and teddy bears. Deep down, she's sadistic and cruel and loves to torture and play with her victims. In her lifetime, she was a hired serial killer by a man named Charles.
How did they die?(optional)- Killed by Charles, the owner of the mansion she worked in.
Other- Z is still in love with someone from her past. She thinks of him constantly and has no hope of being truly happy again.
Also, her weapon of choice is a pair of scissors, which she keeps stashed inside of the teddy bear she carries around.​
Username- TheCreeperHugz
Character name- Jacob Martin
Demon or Angel?- Angel

Link to ended RP (optional)- http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?289209-Dangan-Ronpa-Roleplay-PRIVATE
Personality- Jacob is very antisocial and shy, meaning that he rarely ever talks, especially in group situations. He has a very vivid imagination and can often assume situations will turn out far worse than what actually happens. Trust issues have so far prevented him from getting close to anyone, hence why he has stayed on his own since childhood. The only person he ever really opened up to was Hiro, who was killed not too long before Jacob himself died.
How did they die?(optional)- He was executed for manslaughter after the whole scheme was set up as punishment for digging too deep and finding out more than he was supposed to know.
Username- sunflower
Character name- Lune
Demon or Angel?- Angel
Link to ended RP (optional)- n/a
Personality- Lune is shy and timid, but once you get to know her she is sweet, soft spoken and as helpful as she can be. She isn't much of a fighter, but will be for her friends.
How did they die?(optional)- she got murdered
Other- before her death she worked as a florist, and still after death she loves flowers and makes bouquets (and flower crowns) of them often to give as gifts, or keep for herself


War is starting!
Don't let this die!​
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Username- P o c k y
Character name- Stocking
Demon or Angel?- Angel
Link to ended RP (optional)- N/A
Personality- Stocking is a levelheaded and intelligent girl, though she can be rude if provoked. Stocking usually keeps quiet and to herself. A little weird aswell.
How did they die?(optional)- Someone poisoned her cake.
Other- Stocking loves all things sweet. She is almost always seen carrying around a plush cat, Honekoneko (Bone Kitten), whose expressions often match Stocking's mood. She Loves Honekoneko dearly and won't let anyone touch him. Stocking can remove one of her stockings, and it can turn into a Katana that she can use to fight.
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Oo, sounds good. I'll put the role here asap, could I reserve for now?


Username: Ellaofdarkview
Character Name: Yuno
Demon or Angel: Demon
Link to ended rp: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?334096-lt-Roleplay-gt-The-Empty-City-lt-Roleplay-gt
Personality: Yuno puts on an innocent child act, seeming very kind and sweet to others, but is really malicious. She's extremely violent, and attaches to anyone she likes like a leech, and murders anyone who tries to get close to them. Yuno murdered all of her best friends' other friends just so she could have her all to herself. Yuno tries not to break her act, but sometimes she loses control if someone gets tries to befriend someone close to her.
How did they die?: Suicide
Other: Yuno always has weapons hidden under her dress ruffles. Her age is 6.
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Username- RainbowCherry
Character name- Jason
Demon or Angel?- Angellioo
Link to ended RP (optional)- http://www.belltreeforums.com/showt...uation-New-Characters-Welcome!&highlight=Camp baack ten i coulldnt spel so iem srry
Personality- A mildly serious man with a distinct lack of positive qualities. Widely considered to be a absolutely utter twit. Cold and uncaring, and he's a bit hyper. Other than being fairly dull and being a no-good-buttface, he can be slightly interesting to listen to him rambling about whatever, if he can be provoked into doing so.
How did they die?(optional)- Empty.
Other- Enjoys his Nesquik.

Sorry for the Attached Image, had to edit it, so it went a bit weird.
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My form~
Character name- Kaiso
Angel or Demon?- Demon
Link to ended RP(optional)-N/A
Personality- Fearless, will do anything to show off, boasty, show-off, but can be kind and sensitive if you get to know her
How did they die?(optional)- Suicide
Other- Most of her family went to Heaven, but she went to the opposite
Username- Sugarella
Character name- Molly
Demon or Angel?- Angel
Link to ended RP (optional)- http://www.belltreeforums.com/showt...ped-(Is-starting!)&highlight=trapped+ROLEPLAY
Personality- She's an introvert, but she will talk to you once you get to know her more. She's often awkward and she doesn't know when she's making someone annoyed or embarrassed. When she was little, she was very peppy and energetic, but when her mother passed away, all of that peppiness changed. She's very shy and gets embarrassed easily.
How did they die?(optional)- She got ran over by a girl in a wheelchair.
Other- N/A
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Username- RainbowCherry
Character name- Jason
Demon or Angel?- Angellioo
Link to ended RP (optional)- http://www.belltreeforums.com/showt...uation-New-Characters-Welcome!&highlight=Camp baack ten i coulldnt spel so iem srry
Personality- A mildly serious man with a distinct lack of positive qualities. Widely considered to be a absolutely utter twit. Cold and uncaring, and he's a bit hyper. Other than being fairly dull and being a no-good-buttface, he can be slightly interesting to listen to him rambling about whatever, if he can be provoked into doing so.
How did they die?(optional)- Empty.
Other- Enjoys his Nesquik.

Sorry for the Attached Image, had to edit it, so it went a bit weird.

The image wont appear :/

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oops, i have to go, Ill update OP later.
Username- Commanderleahshepard
Character name- Hiro Tsutsumi
Demon or Angel?- Demon
Link to ended RP (optional)- (The first Dangan Ronpa RP. It didn't die so to say, it finished and there is a sequel but with new characters) http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?289209-Dangan-Ronpa-Roleplay-PRIVATE
Personality- He tends to think he is 'cool'. He is very flirty and can be a bit of a 'bad boy', despite being the ultimate police officer. He knows where to draw the line and can hold his own in a fight, being a good police man despite his outrageous attitude at times.
How did they die?(optional)- Murdered by the student Cheyenne who was manipulated by Frances, who had a yandere crush on Jacob. It was out of revenge since Hiro seemed to be crushing on Jacob (Frances' senpai). He was stabbed to death at a party under a table when the lights went out.
Other- ;)
Can someone post the form please, it's not letting me copy it from there ;-;

Character name-
Demon or Angel?-
Link to ended RP (optional)-
How did they die?(optional)-

Are you using an iPad? It happens to me all the time.
Username- TheCreeperHugz
Character name- Jacob Martin
Demon or Angel?- Angel

Link to ended RP (optional)- http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?289209-Dangan-Ronpa-Roleplay-PRIVATE
Personality- Jacob is very antisocial and shy, meaning that he rarely ever talks, especially in group situations. He has a very vivid imagination and can often assume situations will turn out far worse than what actually happens. Trust issues have so far prevented him from getting close to anyone, hence why he has stayed on his own since childhood. The only person he ever really opened up to was Hiro, who was killed not too long before Jacob himself died.
How did they die?(optional)- He was executed for manslaughter after the whole scheme was set up as punishment for digging too deep and finding out more than he was supposed to know.
Character name-
Demon or Angel?-
Link to ended RP (optional)-
How did they die?(optional)-

Are you using an iPad? It happens to me all the time.

Yeah I am. Godammit iPad! Aha thanks a lot ^.^