Lavender stopped swirling happily and thought about Ry with 3 arms... It couldn't have been an illumination, could it? Was she dreaming, this garden feels so magical, I'm probaly dreaming since I've been knocked out by my mum she thought. No this was all real.. That means Aiko had a snowleapords tail.. Then she thought to herself, does everyone in the world have a weird feature and she didn't? Lavender thought about Ry and how she must be terrified someone new she had 3 arms and how Aiko could be a snowleapord, she had no idea which way Aiko went but saw footsteps, it must be Ry's she thought to herself. She followed them leading to a house, how was she suppose to get in there? Did she seem like a weird stalker at the moment, yes. But she knew she had to calm Ry down by telling her it's not weird she has 3 arms she saw a chimney on the roof and thought to herself, It's time to be like Santa...
(Me when I was typing:Lavender why are you stalking someone 0-0)
Lavender decided she was being ridiculous and ran back to the garden. She saw a strange boy wondering through the gardens, she thought 'I guess he's lost'. She walked up to him and said "Hi, I'm are you lost?" Then she said "Oh, how rude of me I haven't properly introduced myself, my names Lavender, what's your name?"