Ahri tilted her head. "I suppose you can." She said, she wasn't specific on where she was petting, though, so her 9 tails unbunched, standing behind her. She looked like a fox-peacock. (Lol didn't know how else to describe this)
Ahri laughed, but then heard a twig snap, becoming alert immediately. She leaped away as to not burn Shiki, her tails then bursting into orange and flames, her hair turning red. "Who's there?!?" She instantaneously felt protective over Shiki.
(careful man, Ahri wants to kill humans/angels XD)
Ahri quickly discovered that this was the blood and soul of a human, and her desire for it quickly triggered. "Human soul.." She said, trying to resist the urge, she didn't want to frighten Shiki.
Ahri's mouth opened slightly, she didn't know what to say, but she quickly grabbed Shiki by the shoulders and pulled her towards her. "Don't do that.." She said, fearing for Shiki's fragile life.