[RP]-=The Glory Of War=-[RP] Always Accepting!

(You said so much stuff LOL xP)

Shiki came out of the tent.
"Hiya, Ace-kun! I found a person, is it okay she's resting up here?"

"That's fine." I say as I hammer some nails into the wood.

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(I really don't care if Shiki hugs Ace. It's Ace who cares anyway.)

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(There is a Kaetu x Haru tag ): THE FANS MAN )

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I finish the house, and decide to contact Yuki.


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*Picks up everyone who is asleep and puts them in newly built house, then goes to bed outside, waiting for Yuki.*
*wakes up and yawns* "H...houses? What? I dont. remember?" *walks outside and sees a body, I poke her neck with a katana* "who the hell is this..?"
"That's great. Go kill some humans elsewhere please." I said, stressed that Yuki hasn't arrived yet.

"Stop it."
"Fine.." *sees humans and flies down to him*
*Human turns around* "WHA-"
*skewers human on katana and brings him back to tower*
"Found one."
Human that got her leg twisted out: Will.. they eat me next?
*drinks humans blood* "this one.. tastes of lemonade! try it!" *happy smile*