[RP]-=The Glory Of War=-[RP] Always Accepting!

*I fly back to the rebel base and kick some rocks* "UGH!" *I say, shooting an Ivory tree with my golden flaming bow*
When I go to the top I stand a see if any fighting was going to come near the base. "Not yet." I say as I fly down.
"It's pretty disappointing." Ahri said, her ears drooped. "What can we do now, though?"
"Well, we could go kill a human or something." Ahri suggested, her nine soft silver tails drooped to the ground.

(lol its yuki)
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(Lol oops)

"Good." I say and give her a tight hug, my personality changing. "I don't want to lose you."
*flies around and spots a human and eyes and katanas go red* "DIE!" *stabs and puts blood in bottle* "Tasty.." *calm smile*