[RP]-=The Glory Of War=-[RP] Always Accepting!

*coughs up feathers* "the angles. gey tat li expired milk.." *cough*
Transalation 2 = The Angels. They taste like expired milk." (5 years past expiration)
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"You are not wanted when you're a rebel. The rebel's turned on their race because they hated the other's."
Shiki reached over and touched his wing, feeling the soft feathers.
"Oh.... I see..." she whispered, half quietly.
"What would I do?" She tipped her head to the side, then smiled sweetly.
"I wouldnt try and hurt you, you know!"
She reached both of her hands and touched both of his wings at once, getting a little closer in the process.
"I cant just sit here." *clenches fists* "I'll kill every last one of those traitors.." *flies out* I wont find it, but I can try..
"I've been called weird before!" She smiled happily.
"People say I dont know how to keep my hands to myself." She giggled.
(LOL. They're asking you to cheat, i bet. xD )

"Join the rebels?" She blinked.
"Um... I don't know."
"I'd like to do it to get to know you, but I don't know.."
Wait. from what They told me, Rebels dont take part in the war. Yuki was a fallen... all i need to do is sniff out the trail of human and angel blood.
(I ninja'd you)

"Alright. To show you are a rebel, you must turn one wing black and leave the other."
(damn ninjas xD )

One wing faded from white to black.

"I'm loyal to you, Ace-kun~" She smiled with her eyes closed, then hugged his arm.
"The rebels stick to one another. Each person can never be alone." I say. (Why the hell does everyone love me XD )