Ruin a Movie!

So, let me get this straight. We're living next to this... thing now. It's big, it's fat, and it freaks me out. Why oh why did the Yamadas have to move out? *deep sigh* Okay, let's go meet him...

Two hours later...

I need to find a place to hide! *hides in closet*
Phew, that was close. I've gotta get out of here. All I did was say "hello, neighbor!" and now I'm running for my life. Great, just great...

It's about a bunch of traffic workers who like to wear traffic cones on their heads everywhere they go... unfortunately this causes them to walk into oncoming traffic and they all get hit and die.

Elsa suddenly realizes while singing “Let It Go” that those gloves she was wearing were actually doing more than preventing her from freezing others accidentally. She starts to get severe hypothermia after her song ends, and has to try and get them back from the wind before it’s too late. Meanwhile, Anna finally builds her snowman, but builds it so poorly that she makes the killer snowman Jack Frost instead of the lovable Olaf. Jack Frost eats Sven, causing Anna to run for her life. She trips and falls flat on the snow from hitting one of Elsa’s lost gloves, which blew right into her face. Jack Frost eats Anna, causing Elsa to go into a fiery rage that ends up with her dismantling the cursed snowman via her powerful ice attack. After the incident, Elsa makes a promise never to show off her powers to anyone again due to having to avenge her younger sister’s death, and chose to remain gloved for the rest of her life.

Ride Along
It's about a dude who drives a truck. He's on a mission to cross the world. Every time he enters a new country, another guy gets in the truck. Where are they going? Nobody knows!

Are We There Yet?
It’s a story about drunk guys who make a 3:00 a.m. run to Taco Bell but realize they forgot the car (it was a wild night) and so they’re stuck walking to a Taco Bell at the other side of town and one won’t stop asking if they’re there yet.

The Princess Bride?
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The movie is actually based off one of the writers not being able to find true love for his entire life. What does he do to cope with his loneliness from a lack of a marriage? Make one up in his head. All he did was take inspiration from every single movie he watched that had happy marriage endings, and combined their stories to make the ultimate marriage film. Of course, naming it “The Bride” would be boring. So, to spice things up, he changed it up so that the groom would be marrying an actual, real princess. Again, the plot still seemed boring, so the writer added in a grumpy king who disproves of his daughter’s future husband. Add in a few extras, a mischievous jester for comic relief, a perfectionist director, and the movie was finally completed. It goes to show that movies with simple titles aren’t as easy to make as they seem.

Shark Tale
It's basically the same movie, but set in the anime Fairy Tail. Oscar becomes your typical shounen protagonist and goes through crazy power-ups as time goes on, and his hair gets longer with each power-up. The enemies he fight all consist of sharks who also have their own power-ups. They keep dueling it out until only Oscar is left alive. The end.

Leonardo DiCaprio fights some guys. Then, Leonardo DiCaprio fights some more guys. After that, Leonardo DiCaprio fights even more guys. Penultimately, Leonardo DiCaprio fights an army of guys. Finally, Leonardo DiCaprio fights the big bad. All of this apparently happens during an earthquake that hits 9.0 on the Richter scale, but nobody seems to notice. Oh well.

The Polar Express
When the train goes over the icy plains and stops, they can't get it to restart. So the train falls into the water and sinks, and all the kids drown and die. It's good it was just a dream then... or was it??? 👀

Happy Feet
All the dancing alerts the elephant seals to where the penguins are located. A feast ensues.

Planet Of The Apes
It's about a planet of apes who can talk... but wait, there's more! These apes know how to DANCE! And they looooove dancing. Their way of deciding disputes is through dance-offs, and whoever loses gets brutally decapitated.

So one day a human lands on their planet, and is immediately challenged by one of the apes to a dance-off. Their moves are so sick and the crowd is having a hard time figuring out who's going to win.... just as they both reach the climax of their dance, however, a giant meteor hits the planet and all the apes and the human perish.

EDIT: Actually, do The Emoji Movie. Yes, I know it's already bad, but I WANT someone to make it worse. xD
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Oh look it's me coming up with the amazingly fake plot for this wicked and evil thing of a film I devised in about 10 minutes
Once upon a time, back in the '90s, a smiley face was created. This was no ordinary smiley face, but rather, the Wal-Mart smiley face; his stage name being "Smiley". Smiley had quite the career growing up. He starred in many advertisements, helping a bunch of shoppers to save money and live better, always. This was a promise that Smiley was willing to keep, so he kept going throughout the 2000's to make every kind of shopper happy. In 2008, the recession hit, and Smiley became the victim of a corporate takeover. The Wal-Mart branding soon changed, and due to budget cuts, the company was forced to let Smiley go. Wal-Mart's sales somehow improved, and thus Smiley had to change his career and become an Emoji. Smiley's Emoji career was mildly successful, but came with controversy. He invited some of his friends to become Emoji, but a few of said Emoji wanted to go off and do whatever they wanted. This lead to some unwanted harm, leading to lawsuits, arrests, and prison time for those involved. One Emoji was even fired from the job (the "gun" Emoji), and Smiley had to act quick to salvage his image. He gathered all his friends together, and quickly devised a plot for a movie to play in theaters, simply entitled "The Emoji Movie". The public was never aroused by this concept, mostly because of the controversy that was previously mentioned tainting the Emoji brand. After the movie was released, it was an absolute critical failure. Smiley lost a ton of money, respect, and credit from those closest to him, and decided to never work in the movie business again as a result. He tried once more to revive his career at Wal-Mart, but it didn't last long as the executives heard about Smiley's troubles and were forced to lay him off again. Smiley is now a sad, former shell of himself, becoming an irrelevant marketing figure and quietly releasing new kinds of Emoji that nobody cares about. What a demise for a once-lovable mascot.

The Last Airbender (2010)
It's about how there used to be loads of airbenders but now there's only one airbender left, so they put it in a zoo in the hopes it'll mate with itself.

Paul Blart Mall Cop
What Paul Blart doesn't know, is that those guys he has to take down are all the kind of people you'd encounter at the mobile stands, selling you a bunch of stuff you don't need, all while making you uncomfortable at the same time by approaching you and forcing conversations in the worst ways. He's declared a hero after taking them all down, and the mall is safe from weirdo scammers once again.

RV (with Robin Williams)
It's about a planet of apes who can talk... but wait, there's more! These apes know how to DANCE! And they looooove dancing. Their way of deciding disputes is through dance-offs, and whoever loses gets brutally decapitated.
LMAO, nice. That took a quick turn.

After they reach the rest stop, the RV is never able to turn on again. The rest of the film deals with AAA coming out to service the RV, but never being able to figure out exactly what's wrong.

A Nightmare On Elm Street
Since Freddy Krueger only appears in dreams, everyone stops sleeping for the duration of the movie.

Star Wars: A New Hope.
What people fail to realize is that the first-released movie is actually a prequel to the Star Wars Holiday Special. The movie is trying to warn you of what’s to come in subtle ways. Vader and the other Sith in general aren’t actually destroying planets for no reason - they’re trying to help innocent viewers get the special out of their minds completely, and it seems to be working when they destroy tapes of the special that the viewers on these planets recorded. Unfortunately, this backfired on George Lucas, and some viewers in the real world were able to record the special anyway and share it on the internet over 30 years later. Not even the good people at Disney want anything to do with it, so they just leave the special be on YouTube if it’s uploaded.
Maybe someone can convince Carrie Fisher’s estate to share the copy she owned…

Gran Turismo
Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth, Tom Brady, and Mike Modano all get in some cars together and go racing. Guest starring that one giant dude Nikola Jokic, and several other unnamed professional athletes. At one point Jokic is going too fast in his car. Everyone screams as his F1 car has reached warp speed. He's instantly transported through space and time to another dimension. Then everyone kind of gets bored and leaves. The end.

The Iron Giant
The Green Giant from the food brand accidentally takes in too much iron, and becomes the Iron Giant. Most of the movie is spent watching the Iron Giant work out a bunch, and eating tons of greens in order to turn back into his former self. It’s honestly a very boring educational film. Brad Bird is totally capable of making much better things.

My Stepmother Is an Alien
My stepmother is an alien... from the movie Alien! We have to take very special care of my stepmother. She has to be fed 10 humans a day or she won't be satisfied. She also has to be restrained so that she doesn't kill me, too!

The Incredibles