Robin never shares what he stole from the greedy king; he actually keeps it all to himself to prove to everyone that he can be a better king. He then becomes an even bigger criminal, and all the kings’ guards are given orders to eliminate him. Robin then flees the kingdom, never to be seen again.
It's about a Beverly Hills cop. It's your average day in the life of a Beverly Hills cop. He has to deal with all sorts of terrible things such as saving a rich lady's chihuahua all the way to eating some donuts at a donut shop. Real troubling, I know.
The "big score" that Bender tries to pull off is actually to steal Zap Brannigan's entire crew and convert them to Planet Express employees. What he doesn't know, however, is that since Leela hesitantly tags along, she is accidentally hypnotized by the hypno-toad to fall in love with Zap, frustrating Fry to no end. Fry then complains to Bender that the so-called "big score" is an utter waste of time, and the entire crew quickly gives up and returns to the Planet Express HQ without Leela. In a miraculous twist of events, Leela's hypnotizing wears off, and somehow escapes Zap's ship all by herself. After returning, everyone's too shocked to understand what just happened, so they all decide to enter the professor's new mind machine to erase this memory. Turns out, none of this ever happened!
Freddy Krueger tries to kill a geeky unattractive and lonely teenaged girl in her dreams who inadvertently falls madly in love with him and has discovered that she somehow discovered how to summon him at will and has become an obsessed stalker who keeps chasing him as he jumps around from different people’s dreams to try to escape from the girl. He is unsuccessful.
Jason breaks out of his stasis when he thinks he hears people having sexy time, but what he discovers is that it was a pair of Xenomorphs, and he realizes he has bigger problems than lustful humans.
Instead of being a horror movie, it’s literally just about a kid trying to find out if his friend knows what he did last summer, like “The Secret” from Gumball.
(assuming you don’t mean the hilariously bad 1993 version with Bob Hoskins) Instead, this movie shows us the riveting life of a pair of plumbers in Brooklyn, going through the normal struggles, such as… clogged toilets, or clogged sinks. Exciting!
He's not friendly. He is a delightfully devilish Seymour Skinner that changed his name (again) so that kids wouldn't find out it's him. Too bad he set his house on fire from leaving the roast in the oven and died, and now lives as a ghost. Chalmers already knew at that point that Seymour had been shady all along. The movie was later rendered non-canon by Matt Groening as a result of the infamous "The Principal and the Pauper" episode.
The crew look for Spock under the cushions, inside the fridge where they grab a drink, and around the tv remote. But they can't find him and we watch them watch some boring shows that they keep channel changing.