A dramatized biography about Coco (the villager), explaining the struggles she had to go through in regards to her appearance, so that she could be accepted by society.
The guys are here to party! And woah, this hot tub is also a time machine! It sends them far, far into the past... but unfortunately right into the middle of an ancient Roman battle. As soon as they reappear in that time, all of the guys are stabbed by Roman gladiators and die! Oh no!
Before he got exiled to a distant place far away, Lord Farquaad was once Prince Farquaad of Egypt. Why was he exiled? Turns out, no one wanted to hear his vaguely inappropriate “E” memes anymore.
It's a movie about multiple Captain Ginyus from Dragon Ball Z who are let on the loose. He uses his signature move to "switch" bodies with people, and is thereby dubbed a Body Snatcher.
Thomas the Tank Engine has now become Thomas the Demon Slayer. He is the hellbound train rolling along a path of onslaught and revenge. Don't you dare get on the wrong side of his tracks.
Two best friends come across a lot of money by accident and spend it going to college where they outsmart the professors using common sense instead of education and get kicked out