Ruin a Movie!

It’s actually just about an Italian woman who realized she didn’t pick up all the ingredients she needed at the market.

It's about some guys who want to make an atomic bomb to help win the war... except they don't know how physics works, so they end up entering a regional bomb-making contest instead. They fight tooth and nail against their bitter rivals, the ja-PAN bomb-making team, but end up losing. Then America gets atomic bombed instead and uh, everyone dies.

The movie was going to be marketed to kids, but the executives at Warner Bros. didn't want a clone of Toy Story as they knew the con artists lovely people at Balt Didney would sue them right on the spot and win instantly. So instead, they made a movie about a picture-perfect woman dating a picture-perfect man, involving no toys, and rated it PG-13. It had nothing to do with the toy line other than the character names and everything being a stereotypical depiction of a picture-perfect life. 'Cause you know, that's what Barbie has been known for since the 1950's.

How the West Was Won
Instead of cowboys the film is populated entirely by anthropomorphic pencils and who completely fail to win the west but succeed in winning the hearts of the audience through a dance number interspersed with tragic monologues about victims of trench-foot.

Ex-bass player/singer/self-proclaimed leader Roger Waters' diss letter to Pink Floyd fans, released about three years after the album it's based on and right before he left the band. It's about an alienated, drugged-up rock star named Pink who goes through a really rough phase and nearly dies due to the actions of stupid fans and money-grubbing decisions by his higher-ups. Ironically, despite Waters doing everything he could to get rid of his fanbase, the existing fans loved it. It's never seen a re-release past the early DVD era because Waters himself still can't figure out why people like it, but seems to enjoy hearing fans always cry for an HD release of the movie. Think about it: If Waters approved a new remaster, then his original vision from the late '70s-early '80s wouldn't make sense. He's got more logic than you think.

The Breakfast Club
Everyone gathers in the library to eat breakfast. There is no conflict— just kids eating and having funny conversations. The end.

Spirited Away
Some kids follow a spirit because it looks cool. Little do they know it would take them to a bar. Definitely not a place for young children. The bartender asks if they want a drink and then gives them one regardless of whether they want it or not. The kids drink too much and get drunk, and die, basically. Thus, they have been "spirited away." The end.

A rookie cop gets tangled in an intense murder case. She starts to freak out as she goes to the coroner to see what the body looked like, and nearly reverse eats. Luckily, Swiper the Fox swings by from off the street to calm her down, and she proceeds to help solve the case. In a twist, the cop finds out that Swiper did it, and he's a massive cereal killer (you read that right - he killed people that ate cereal). She says, "Swiper no swiping!" three times, and he turns himself in. All is now well in Zooland. The end.

Sleeping Beauty
The Maleficent dragon kills Prince Philip so he can’t kiss Princess Aurora. She never wakes up. 🥲

Kiki’s Delivery Service
There’s no flying brooms anymore. Just normal brooms. It’s a movie about an extremely mundane house chore.

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
A farm boy on a hot desert planet goes all-out to get revenge on a sith lord out in space for destroying his crops.

Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Well he ain't the Avengers, but at least he's something. He does some things and eats a piece of candy on the floor. Hair and all.

Jake Gyllenhaal gets a big jar stuck on his head but the show must go on as he acts in the entire movie like that.

My Neighbor Totoro
Couldn’t find any reference to a movie with that name, so moving the thread along…

The world actually has normal, real life physics. Yeah, a lot of the movie doesn’t really work when you apply the laws of physics to it.

Titanic (1997, aka the James Cameron version, aka the superior version).
So, you got well over a billion dollars from Terminator 2 and Aliens; what do you plan on doing next, Jim?

“I want to build a replica of the Titanic and destroy it.”

Well, you’re rich, so…

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly