It’s an hour and thirty minutes of some girl slowly getting mad from things that annoy and bother her, ultimately culminating to the point where her skin becomes so red, that she blows steam and screams at the very end; immediate cut to credits, movie over. She turned red.
It's about a dinosaur that was good, so the meteor spared him when it hit the Earth. Unfortunately this means dinosaurs survived, however, and all of the events of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World actually happened.
Here’s your change. (this was inspired my a time a few years ago when my sister said we should go see the movie and I thought it was called The Greatest Snowman)
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (anything relating to Jar Jar Binks is off limits)
No Jar Jar? Okay…
One day, Young Anakin became bored of everyday life, so he decided to build a robot named C3-P0. However, C3-P0 also became bored with everyday life, so he befriends R2-D2 - learning the beep language to a tee - and both take off into the galaxy in search of conquering the bores of everyday life with the starship rebellion. Meanwhile, Anakin became bored again, so he decided to enter a pod race to earn some more mullah, in which he barely survived. All of a sudden, he randomly felt that he can be a Jedi Knight, as he possessed the power of the force that’s hidden within himself. With Obi-Wan Kenobi at his side, he had since perfected the way of properly saying the ultimate greeting, “Hello there!”, using the force of respect.
Then Jar Jar Binks showed up and everyone died. The end.
It's a movie about a giant "kong." No, not the ape you were thinking of, but the dog toy that dogs like to play with. Except this one is giant, hence the name "King Kong." People find it on an island and begin worshiping it. The end.
Oh boy I know nothing about this movie except for the cover art lol
A thing comes out of a pond and decides to befriend a human who nurtures them to civilized life. Yep, that's it. If I came close to what it's actually about then I deserve some cake
Harry actually got expelled from Hogwarts because the first spell he came up with was one that accidentally destroyed the titular stone. Thus, the sequels were all remakes of the first one done multiple times in different ways, with Harry and his friends getting older in each one.
It's about the Apollo mission where they go to the moon... and discover it's actually made out of CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!!!1!1 They start harvesting the cheese, but then realize how idiotic that is considering cheese exists back on Earth. Then they proceed to get stranded and eat the moon until it's gone and they die in the vacuum of space. The end.
It’s a game of Dungeons and Dragons gone wrong. Robin Williams plays Genie, who sucks four kids into a playing board, and tells them that the only way to escape the game is by warping through a book that’s hidden in Shrek’s house. The kids venture through many traps, dronkeys, baby shreks and a whole lotta Farquaads to get there. The final boss is Shrek himself, who belly flops onto the kids, suffocating them. Luckily, the book they were looking for fell under them as they were getting smashed, and they return to reality. The end.
It's about this dude from America... he was a captain, but he was also the first "avenger." No, that doesn't mean he was a superhero. He just happened to "avenge" someone's high-score from being defeated in Pac-Man.
Drift the frog decides to train for a marathon. He was also furious about not having a vacation in a long time, so he decides to run all the way to Tokyo (yes, even over the Pacific ocean) as fast as he could, while escaping from his boss. He's fast; he's furious; his name is Drift, and he needs to get to Tokyo pronto.