I know this isn't technically a rule break question, but it got buried in the Ask The Staff and making a new thread seems a bit pointless :p

Why did the time in which your posts merge get increased to 30 minutes from 20 minutes?

20 minutes was just about bareable but when you're a cycler and you're trying to get a lot of villagers out in a short amount of time, it's difficult to get any of your posts seen unless you have a friend bump the thread to avoid the post merge.

I know cyclers aren't everyone's friends on this forum because their threads usually end up in a lot of unneeded chatter and spam, but the ones who are actually trying to do their job and not try to be TBT famous are the ones who are feeling the cold shoulder when it comes to changes.

I actually don't know anything about cycling. I've been here for a while and still have no idea what it is, so I have no idea how it works and what to do to keep it fair. I'm sorry :(

So moderators can close a thread and change its title, but can they also hijack a thread?

Not usually. I don't tend to hijack threads.
Honestly, if you're going to come on here and spend time here, its curtsey to read the rules. They're there for not only peoples safety but to keep order, which brings me on to the jobs of the moderators, they are not here to get **** from members being *****y and sarcastic, they are here to make our experience here fun and less dramatic as possible by responding to reports and handling a situation how they find is the best way. I've seen some pretty disrespectful posts towards ZR388, i find them pretty disgusting as a bystander and you should have more respect, she's kept this thread open to allow others to read and learn from it and not used a forceful solution by closing the thread. Sorry, I know its none of my business but its just plain rude for no apparent reason.
Honestly, if you're going to come on here and spend time here, its curtsey to read the rules. They're there for not only peoples safety but to keep order, which brings me on to the jobs of the moderators, they are not here to get **** from members being *****y and sarcastic, they are here to make our experience here fun and less dramatic as possible by responding to reports and handling a situation how they find is the best way. I've seen some pretty disrespectful posts towards ZR388, i find them pretty disgusting as a bystander and you should have more respect, she's kept this thread open to allow others to read and learn from it and not used a forceful solution by closing the thread. Sorry, I know its none of my business but its just plain rude for no apparent reason.

Lauren, honey, calm down. Thank you for stepping up. I appreciate it. I kept the thread open so that you could voice your opinion, and if you're gonna turn around and apologize for doing so, then I'll find you on the IRC and rip you up. You done good.
Lauren, honey, calm down. Thank you for stepping up. I appreciate it. I kept the thread open so that you could voice your opinion, and if you're gonna turn around and apologize for doing so, then I'll find you on the IRC and rip you up. You done good.

I'm scared :p My opinion now voice, I can now continue doing what ever I was doing.
So I was going over some thoughts and posts tonight, reading back in the IRC, and thinking about a few things that have happened since yesterday. I shouldn't have to explain myself, however it has come to my attention that a lot of people here are feeling... well I don't know what you're feeling. Apparently you've got some animosity towards me though, and you know what?

That's okay.

This thread was "hijacked" (though someone here has mentioned they don't like that very much) to be turned into a public response topic that has to do with breaking the rules. Now, yes, I could have closed the thread, and we could be doing what we've been doing for a few months now and just quietly letting things die and moving forward, but you know what. That's not my style. I'm blunt. I don't pussyfoot around things, and once everything's hunky-dory I let it go.

If you don't like me, fine. I'm not personally attacking anyone here. I don't hate anyone (I'm actually super-bad at holding grudges) but if you feel like I've personally wronged any of you in absolutely any way, then please, tell me to my face. It doesn't have to be publicly.

The fact of the matter is the current TBT mod system where we deal with things 'quietly' doesn't work. In fact, all I've seen are a bunch of people acting like spoilt martyrs. That's not what we're about. We're not your babysitters, and all of the mods sit here on the computer moderating the forums on their own time. You know how we're repaid? We're called jerks, dictators, and when we do our jobs to ensure the upmost quality of forum community, a lot of you guys jump down our throats for doing work for free. I shouldn't even be including myself in this because it's been every other mod having to deal with it lately. People here attack my friends, family, and hell, even people that aren't mods get curbstomped daily.

What right do a lot of you have?


Some of you are underage. What if your parents looked on this website and saw nothing but immature little brats taking things where they shouldn't be taken? Would some of you even be allowed to play Animal Crossing, Pokemon, or even be on the computer after some of the stuff here that has been removed? You wouldn't. Trust me. That's what we're trying to protect. We're protecting EVERYONE. No one is singled out. No one is removed from punishment for breaking the rules, and no one has the right to make anyone feel like dirt or be a snot-nosed child over some irrelevant internet issue.

Jake made a thread today about a warning he received. I'm not going to go into the details. That's between me and Jake. The point of it is, I can admit I went too far after the fact, got riled up, and publicly apologized for outing him in the IRC, a fact failed to be mentioned by him. So you know what. I'll do it again. Jake, I apologize for my rude behavior to you in the IRC. That's all I'll say on that.

You know what that's an example of? Putting big-boy pants on and fessing up to your own mistakes. An art that has been lost. When this thread is closed (and it will be) there will be NO EXCUSE for breaking the rules. You have ALL had a chance now to read them, ask questions on things that are and are not covered (even if they're obvious) and I have not insulted any of you for asking questions.

Keep it rolling, because the time for excuses is coming to an end really, really soon.
Why does my signature keep doing weird stuff?
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Do mods/admins send friend requests to normal users? Or do the user themselves send the FR's? Just curious.
Do mods/admins send friend requests to normal users? Or do the user themselves send the FR's? Just curious.

Well it depends. I've sent plenty of FR's to people. At the end of the day we're all users of The Bell Tree, and as consumers we use the product.
Well, uhh, sigs that are too large break the rules right? is my sig too big? > w>;;;;

Edit: I've been editing it to make it smaller but still contain all the information I want, but I really don't know if it's still the right size? ; w; Thanks.
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Well, uhh, sigs that are too large break the rules right? is my sig too big? > w>;;;;

Edit: I've been editing it to make it smaller but still contain all the information I want, but I really don't know if it's still the right size? ; w; Thanks.

Maximum height and width for signatures are 250x750. It is okay if you exceed 1 pixel, (I think) but that is about it
Your signature looks fine to my eyes. Unless they are deceiving me...
The signature image is 153px in height. I don't know how many pixels the text below are though. < w>;;

I feel like it looks fine to me but maybe it's actually not?? idek, is why I'm asking. xD
The signature image is 153px in height. I don't know how many pixels the text below are though. < w>;;

I feel like it looks fine to me but maybe it's actually not?? idek, is why I'm asking. xD

Take my signature as an example. A spoiler's height=50 Pixels
The Miku Gif is 200 pixels in height. Compare and see how big your signature is to mine. If it's a bit bigger, it is not allowed. If it is smaller, it is fine.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I think yours is smaller than mine(if you compare where the line ends at the top of your signature to mine) so it is fine.
Ohhh, I see! Okay, thank you! I guess this means I can make the fonts just a little bit bigger. xD

How do you check the elements? o:
Right click it and click on inspect elements? O:

click for a clearer ver lol
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Oh, I did that on Firefox and it doesn't show me the sig dimensions and things. :c

Thanks for your help, guys~ I am now confident that my sig does not break rules.
yknow everyone says "sigs have to be 250/750" or some junk like that, how the heck am I supposed to measure that?? Do you get a pixel ruler or something? Is there some site you use? :/