yknow everyone says "sigs have to be 250/750" or some junk like that, how the heck am I supposed to measure that?? Do you get a pixel ruler or something? Is there some site you use? :/

You can view it in Photoshop, but if you're using chrome or Firefox, I believe you can right click on it and click on "Inspect Element"
Hi, I just have a question about duping since i've been wondering this for a while and the first posts were about this. Can you tell the difference between a duped good and original? D; Is there any way you can make sure you're not trading for a duped item? thanks
Hi, I just have a question about duping since i've been wondering this for a while and the first posts were about this. Can you tell the difference between a duped good and original? D; Is there any way you can make sure you're not trading for a duped item? thanks

Unless the item corrupts your game, I don't think so (。-_-。)
shes the cooliest

What are you sucking up for.

Hi, I just have a question about duping since i've been wondering this for a while and the first posts were about this. Can you tell the difference between a duped good and original? D; Is there any way you can make sure you're not trading for a duped item? thanks

Yeah, we've been over this a few times. There's no way to tell if an item has been duped which is why we completely say no to it, because people lie. From what I've been reading it's an exploit dealing with the 3ds's ram which causes the dupe thing to work. Man I wouldn't want to be the person that glitches their entire town in a backfire just because they're too lazy to do things the right way.
I have an art shop and a sig shop. My sigs are mostly free, but my art won't be. They'll cost TBT and other items in ACNL. Should I make two separate threads, or should I just stick to one?
Why don't people just read the rules BEFORE they say things like this??I know I asked about coffee use a few pages back (which I am sorry for being a smarty pants bc)but COMEON MAN!!!!! JUST READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU SIGN UP!!!!!

(getting old really quick like)
Why don't people just read the rules BEFORE they say things like this??I know I asked about coffee use a few pages back (which I am sorry for being a smarty pants bc)but COMEON MAN!!!!! JUST READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU SIGN UP!!!!!

(getting old really quick like)

Reasons why this thread exists. Some people don't like to read rules, so there's no excuse for ignorance now.

I have an art shop and a sig shop. My sigs are mostly free, but my art won't be. They'll cost TBT and other items in ACNL. Should I make two separate threads, or should I just stick to one?

I'd stick to one, but make it clear what you're asking for. As for where it goes, what you're asking for the majority of the time is gonna be the deciding factor. (TBT Bells vs AC Stuff)
I'd stick to one, but make it clear what you're asking for. As for where it goes, what you're asking for the majority of the time is gonna be the deciding factor. (TBT Bells vs AC Stuff)

Mostly ACNL items, but if I finish and get everything on my wishlist, then it'd be mainly TBT bells.
not trying to be rude but do you even care for us I mean some of us want to dupe how about make a dupping thread in the train station and sticky it so people who want to dupe can and why do you make rules and have none of the community's opinion I want a good answer too I mean what's next tax tbters for collectibles
not trying to be rude but do you even care for us I mean some of us want to dupe how about make a dupping thread in the train station and sticky it so people who want to dupe can and why do you make rules and have none of the community's opinion I want a good answer too I mean what's next tax tbters for collectibles

Not trying to steal your thunder here Jamie but this one I especially want to answer.

Duping is against our rules. What sense would it make for us to make a thread for something that is against the rules? If you want to dupe, go to some other site that encourages that sort of behavior. Like gamefaqs. We want you guys to have a stable and cheat-free community.

Also we do get opinions before we make rules. That's the only reason we do make extra rules in the first place. If we didn't have opinions how would we know what you guys want? I do hope that answer is up to par with your expectations.

And no, we're not going to tax you. But you need to remember that we're giving these features to you guys. It isn't something you deserve or something that would have been here regardless. The shop and the collectibles can easily be disabled.
how about a stable but happy community what do we even mean to the staff what's the point of a sad but rule enforced community what are we a bunch of strangers behind a computer screen is that what we mean to you what the point

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fear all it is is fear how can you take shortcuts with your life and be happy
I'm for the anit-duping rule here. Duping just destroys the AC economy because it devalues all the items. It also isn't fair to the people who work hard and don't want to dupe. If anyone hasn't taken a look at the GF boards from before, the place is cluttered with seeking duping partner threads
Can we report a sage for being useless and spamming random threads?
Does the BellTreeForums have permabans?
you can report anyone duping has many pros and cons so why not compromise

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and there is permabans
What right do a lot of you have?


Some of you are underage. What if your parents looked on this website and saw nothing but immature little brats taking things where they shouldn't be taken? Would some of you even be allowed to play Animal Crossing, Pokemon, or even be on the computer after some of the stuff here that has been removed? You wouldn't. Trust me. That's what we're trying to protect. We're protecting EVERYONE. No one is singled out. No one is removed from punishment for breaking the rules, and no one has the right to make anyone feel like dirt or be a snot-nosed child over some irrelevant internet issue.

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I am speaking my mind even if it threatens my life it just another world just a step from the edge just another day in the world we live