<3 Darriene glad she made it as far as she did.
I never understood why some people disliked Santino. Some folks outright hate the dude.
<3 Darriene glad she made it as far as she did.
Ross should get replaced ASAP -.-
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He liked what he liked and if a queen didn't fit what he liked, he'd read her for it. But I still like him better than *gag* Ross Matthews
Agreed. I honestly only feel like they picked him as a judge because he's gay. Lol.
You are a shady mayor but I love you for that. I'm giving Ross 3 more episodes but even then I feel too generous.
Hi guys! This is my first time watching this.
I'm on season 6 so far and I'm rooting for Bianca. She is so hilarious and talented. c:
Hi guys! This is my first time watching this.
I'm on season 6 so far and I'm rooting for Bianca. She is so hilarious and talented. c:
Me too. D:
I honestly can't tell if you're being shady about that or not but just in case ur 100% serious
im not suprised :~))))
anyway I really need to watch this first ep, last season was dull af. I mean if you didn't know Bianca wasn't going to win by at least the 5th episode then you weren't really watching. I love bianca but she had barely any competition.
I like Jinkx xD
I can't even spell the b****'s name right x'D
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I like her too tho
Lol she was just awesome. When she fell asleep though xD
Oh my god that was way too funny. She was always falling asleep.
Lol ikr