My man friend got me tickets for Battle of The Seasons tonight. Hosted by Michelle, feat Alaska, Bianca, Jinkx, Ivy, Adore, Detox, & Sharon. Crying. I'm so excited. I'll get pics and post them later!
Have fun :'D
- - - Post Merge - - -
out of the old, bitter queens, I do like Ginger and Kasha.I think they're witty and funny, instead of just flat-out rude and insulting, like Kennedy and Jasmine. Ginger even said that she doesn't really mean anything by what she says... and she does seem to be friendly during Untucked. *-*
I think lipsyncs will heat up once they start narrowing the contestants down to the really good ones :C
I don't know who I want to win
oh god
I think my heart would be content if either Trixie, Pearl, Fame, Max, Ginger, or Katya won haha
am I the only one who likes Fame here?I get that she's kinda stiff and not much of a dancer but she just has a really likeable personality, imo
Fame is a total sweetheart <3 I feel like she pushed herself a bit this week, and she really is trying her best and it makes me so proud<3 I just wanna bake her cookies. I wanna bake all of the girls cookies.
Kennedy and Jasmine are waaay too judgemental. I'm so glad Jasmine's gone now, but she really should have gone home first.
On a separate note, I've finally found someone uploading Untucked for those of us outside of the US! -link-