Salty Spittoon

You can enter, but you're better off if you can run at 60 miles an hour.

I can carry 40 kettle bells all by myself, ranging from 15 to 60 pounds. But I can't do them all at once.
I suppose I can put in a small good word with the big man.

I can lift large rocks with my toes, but only for 30 seconds.
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You're too tough for this place. You need to go to the Super Salty Spitoon rather than the regular Salty Spitoon.

I can carry a 30-pound barbel with one hand.
Impressive, but if you have a star for a behind, that's a turn off

I can grow hair just by sneezing
You're better off visiting Weenie Hut Jr for that.

I can carry furniture upstairs without getting tired. The stairs aren't even straight.
I'm calling the cops.

I beat the Porky Statue in Mother 3
Without using the New Years Even Bomb or PK Flash
That means nothing to me...

I beat Cynthia in Pokemon Diamond on the first try. AND HER ELITE TEAM
If it's in a video game, then how's Super Weenie Hut for you?

I can jump off of a 500 foot building without hurting myself, but by landing on my feet.
Show off. That's a super hero.

The other day my shirt was on fire and I didn't even realize till I smelled something burning.
no weenies allowed

i had a bowl of milk for breakfast.... without any milk
Dayum...I dunno what to say to that.
I went home and slammed my head in the door, repeatedly. [only spongebob fans will get that]
Whole **** omg, right this way sir. Toughness level = off the charts.

I went on without my parents permission.