Scanning ftw!


Retired Staff
Jan 2, 2006
So yesterday, my Dad's friend brought over MP3, thinking I'd like to play it. (my dad's not a huge fan of the wii) So of course, being used to MPH, I scanned everything possible for the 15 - 20 minutes I got to play. Sometimes I scan too much, I start to forget what I'm doing. (Such where you have to enter the keypad on the ship, I kept scanning everything thinking I'd find the code.) It kinda seems like Star Wars at the beginning though, but I really don't care. It's still awesome.


Otherwise the controls are okay, I'll probably have to turn the sensitivity down a bit. So I'm planning on getting the game today, I'll post my overall impressions when I actually get somewhere.

Dude, you should turn on Advanced sensitivity. Best FPS controls on a console ever.

I'm right near the end, close to the final boss...
dragonflamez said:

Not a spoiler, all Prime games have the Spider Ball
I know


@ Bul I'll try that, when I get it. (I'll probably have to bring the wii upstairs, it's Sunday which equals football)


edit: my mom told me she'll take me to the store in about an hour
*insert random letters from headkeyboarding here*

I still have to get it.... AHHHHHG.

I swear, its like my mom is trying to keep me from getting it.

We were at the mall, I don't remember why and I brought money to get mp3. I told her I was going into gamestop to get it and she says I can't, but I forgot she said that. And then like every other time I was at a store that had it, basically the same freaking thing happens.