I just had a real scary moment with my PS3. I haven't played my PS3 in about 3 days. When I decide I wanted to play some Borderlands. I turn on my PS3 and everything is all normal. [PS3 HARD DISK HAS BEEN CORRUPTED]. Me = 0.0. So I did what any gamer would do. Went to google. I googled it and found a solution because it wouldn't restore. So I had to hold the power button down until the system turns on and turns back back off then let the button go. Then hold the button down again it will beep once then beep twice quickly. Then let it go. It will tell you to plug in the usb cord and connect the controller then press the ps button. After that a menu will pop up and I selected reformat. Now, I lost all my save data. At-least it gave me an excuse to replay Borderlands.