Giveaway Schwarzi's Villager Cycling ~ Agnes

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Margie the normal elephant is leaving right now
I'm afraid she'll go into the void instead if you don't find it soon
She's gone, sorry! I think I waited too long
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Benjamin the Lazy Dog (with the sloppy room) is leaving today so if you want him, just post!
I can't change the thread's name for some reason, but Benjamin will be up for grabs all day! (Let's be honest, too busy playing pok?mon)
Someone get Benjamin. He is a cutie and way underrated!
Also lurkin this for HAMPHREY! <3 I need to make room if he decides to move soon and I'm lucky enough to snag him. >: D
The reason you can't change the title is 'cos it's passed it's shelf life.. In other words, it's older than 30 days old.. Which means you can no longer change the title.. You'll need to make a new thread if you wanna change the title again
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