Giveaway Schwarzi's Villager Cycling ~ Agnes

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Sorry about that! Hope you will have more luck next time

Astrid moved in
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Ffffff Hamphrey! If only my grumpy villager would move out so I could justify getting him! ;_; Hope some one gets him!
It's been a while ~ also, Dazia, you can still take a look at this thread, I still have Hamphrey!


Mac the Jock Dog is moving today! Post if you want him
Okay, then I'll continue checking this site ^^ For how long do you think will you be cycling today, if I may ask? :)
Here we go again!


Astrid the snooty kangaroo is moving out, I'll leave her up for 10 minutes

Kevin just moved in
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Please Bunnie!!

EDIT: May I adopt Bunnie please? :)))
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I'm just so happy right now x) Already added you :) Can't wait for her! Thank you! Just tell me when your gates are open ^^
I'm happy that you're happy!

Bianca and Blanche just moved in
yes, at the same time, this game gotta be kidding me

- - - Post Merge - - -


Agent S the peppy squirrel is moving out now!
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