Posting a bunch of pics!
I really like the way my islanders houses are looking. I do try to gift them with thematically appropriate and colour themed stuff. Francine's house is looking nice and neat, and Coco's is lovely and spoopy.
Notice the Bug achievement? That's right! Fish, Bugs AND fossils are aaaaall complete!

Just the DLC additions like Sea creatures and Art to complete. Art is getting there, Sea creatures may take a while.
If only England was like this in the cities. It's mostly soggy and wet here, not snowy. 🌧
Everyone seemed to gather near my house today. Beach Party?
Beach Party!
Finally got the hang of breeding Gold Roses. I'll probably just keep them in this little patch though.
I had to remove the Football field to make an area for Dung Beetles and Snow People. I'll put it back when it's not winter anymore.
Fun fact, Dung beetles and snowballs only spawn on a large patch of clear snowy ground.
I just noticed, the snow
sparkles in the moonlight! It's Beautiful.