Screenshots & Video Capture Share Hub for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

got bored and decided to mess around with some amiibos on harv's island vv

me n the bois doing some yoga ♡


and everyone's favourite owls 💕🌟
unless u know and prefer other owls lol

and i obviously had to include rasher wearing the hoodie from BNA 💗

slay queen
I’m trying to post a video here from my photo video library but can’t post it. Am I doing something wrong? I’m using the video icon on the bar.
I’m trying to post a video here from my photo video library but can’t post it. Am I doing something wrong? I’m using the video icon on the bar.
As far as I know,you can only post videos from certain websites like YouTube and Facebook.If you click the "Insert" icon(the downward pointing arrow next to the Smiley)then click "Media",it will show a list of approved websites for posting videos from.
Moonraker Isle
I, too, just got my ACNH photos off my Switch and on to my computer recently (pretty much forced to because I ran out of video space), so this goes back to March 21, 2020. My character looks so funny with a wasp bite already, and the island is so bare! But look what he (I) did first thing-started planting flowers and a tree, of course. I guess those are hyacinths?

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I... I gave you that clay furnace, Murphy. 😔 thats why you have it. It was a birthday gift 😔


Speaking of birthdays, though, here’s some pictures from Sherb’s birthday a week or so ago!


I gave him a snowflake wreath! I also wore all blue in honour of him 🥺💕
