Screenshots & Video Capture Share Hub for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

I knew from the get-go that Hornsby was going to be a very amusing islander!

March 23, 2019.jpg
March 23, 2019 (2).jpg

March 23, 2020 He's going to be here forever!
Easy Street Island
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i didn't know that villagers could notice their photos hanging around! that's so adorable 🖤
ikr ☆
i didn't know about it either until my sister told me, so i put photos outside all my villagers houses waiting for one to notice 💕
I finally dragged my pictures off of my switch and I just wanted to post a few of my favorites from Oakheart. I love it when the villagers wear your custom designs. It is so cute! I have also been working on taking action shots. I really need to get myself out of bed earlier just so I can play in the wee hours of the morning. The lighting is so nice and I never remember to TT to just hang out at 5 or 6 AM for a while. And who can forget the glorious aurora? I wish Isabelle announced when it was going to be more, but my villagers do a pretty good job of telling me when there is going to be one.

I'm super jealous of the people with the aurora photos. I still haven't seen it in my game. Probably because it's such a narrow window that it shows up, and I'm usually not able to play at that time. (Why couldn't they just make it all night!)