Screenshots & Video Capture Share Hub for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

So at first i didn't know how to add Models in Harv's Photopia so i'd just take a picture of myself with my fruits


But once i knew it, the result was quite satisfying


With the current situation and not being able to leave the house, I decided to take the pub to me - specifically my animal crossing basement.
I would love to get some feedback on this! I feel like it's missing something but I can't think what and my knowledge of the item catalog isn't too good haha.

(Also what's up with the lack of glassware in the game? Used the revolving spice rack to look like a tray of drinks in the end.)


  • EVIC0oUU0AA0J8U.jpg
    190.9 KB · Views: 77
  • EVIC0rnWsAAGG2v.jpg
    201.1 KB · Views: 71
Ooh wow! This is an awesome idea! Props for making such a good-looking pub so far! I definitely agree with the above comment about plants- would look very nice with some greenery! The pinball machine idea is good too ^ but personally I don't have any suggestions. Nice work!
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Looks great! I honestly don’t have much to say, other than maybe add a pinball machine?
Heyy! I had a pinball machine in there before but decided to remove it as it got a little crowded and didn't really suit the 'old english pub' vibe I was going for. I might make an arcade room and wack one in there though. :)
Ooh wow! This is an awesome idea! Props for making such a good-looking pub so far! I definitely agree with the above comment about plants- would look very nice with some greenery! The dart board idea is good too ^ but personally I don't have any suggestions. Nice work!
Thank you so much! I've had a lot of fun with it haha, think I'm just missing the pub too much
Just wanted to say it looks really cool and I love the custom design use like the menu board.
I need to come visit this pub tbh cus I can’t go in real life due to this pandemic
This looks amazing so far! Maybe a jukebox would be nice if that's not too retro for your vision haha.
ooh, looks great! nice use of custom designs! I wouldn't have any ideas for things to add.