Foop : Pssst.....uh,excuse me Mr.Slider but would you play The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald if I gave you 100 bells,20 Nook Mile Tickets and a snapping turtle?
K.K. Slider:Throw in Raymond and it's a deal.
Muuhaahaaa......I will become an amusement park tycoon!!First Gilligan.......then the world!!
Naw....I'm just gonna sit here and sip fuzzy navels instead.......
Made a japanese theater! So I was trying to portray a sort of japanese love story where two very opposite rulers own a kingdom (hence the large gold seat in the middle). The picture REALLY doesn't do it justice because I also put higher level seats on higher cliffs + the layering of props aren't really visible.
Currently working on the admissions to the theater with stalls and such c: BTW if you have any suggestions feel free to PM me... I love hearing feedback lol