Oh,my poor chickens.......forced to wear those tacky egg outfits for Easter.A bit of insult to injury,eh?
My critters singing like birds....and squirrels, but those giant island bugs can be very distracting.That dragonfly is about the size of a Piper Cub.
Oh,yeah...there's one about these two octopuses who were former lovers that meet up later in life and have to save something and one of them is a single parent and a baker and the other is some generic white collar professional who is also a prince,I think.
Booted up New Horizons for the first time in a while recently and was greeted with this lovely scene. Apparently the game doesn't check to see if you already have the bedhead hairstyle set before having your character attempt to fix it!
I wish they would have made some of the vehicles in the game more proportionate to the size of our characters.There's no way my resident rep's large noggin is gonna fit into that car.Yeah,I know we can't really drive in the game but at least it could look like we could drive.
Peppy dog girl Cookie moved to my island recently.Her house interior is similar to Tutu's.I found her the other day cooking some pawsta with pupperoni sauce.
It's odd but I had this conversation with Sasha shortly after Petri went missing.
Eventually I'll go back and actually design these vacation homes, but my focus is just on getting to 30 houses so I can start customizing my home villagers houses.