Trading Selling/Trading Various Collectibles

It's worth a shot, what would you like in exchange for your apple?
Out of your collectibles you have for trade, I only like the sweet bun and toy hammer, but I don’t think either of those are a fair trade. If you’d be okay with tbt I could do that.
Out of your collectibles you have for trade, I only like the sweet bun and toy hammer, but I don’t think either of those are a fair trade. If you’d be okay with tbt I could do that.
How much tbt were you thinking? (I agree given that it’s not the correct date, sry)
Hi, wanna date trade Perfect Apples? Mine is dated Mar 28, 2024 at 3:36 PM PDT. In CDT it's 5:36 PM I believe. Can you double-check? I hope it's close.
Hi, wanna date trade Perfect Apples? Mine is dated Mar 28, 2024 at 3:36 PM PDT. In CDT it's 5:36 PM I believe. Can you double-check? I hope it's close.
Sure, that is literally the closest I’ve seen to the time/date I need. Would you like a message with your apple?