Send Some Love To The User "AuntyMya"!!!


Boring Emo Kid
Jul 10, 2017
Mya is one of my best online friends ever, she's super sweet and funny and amazing. However, recently she's been going through some pretty tough times :( I don't want to get into detail without her permission, but she has sent to hospital again due to some mental health issues. I miss her already, and I want to do something to show that people care for her, so I'd like to get some people to send her some love! Send her visitor messages, private messages, etc! Give her tons of love and support and well wishing :) It'll be such a nice thing for her to come back to { though I'm not sure yet about when she'll be back :( }.
I remember a while ago someone was sick here and everyone was given a blank image that they could write their name in as a "get well soon" gesture. Very sweet.
Could you link us to her profile?

I remember a while ago someone was sick here and everyone was given a blank image that they could write their name in as a "get well soon" gesture. Very sweet.

That sounds like an awesome idea ^o^
Perhaps if someone who is from the TBT knew her in real life could give her something courtesy of the people here?