• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Seriously done. Vent thread.


Senior Member
May 11, 2013
Throwback Tickets
I've made a topic before about how AC was starting to get me frustrated, but now I am seriously putting it away for awhile. I won't delete my town or anything, but it's going to be awhile until I play again.
As you can tell from my signature, I am collecting rabbit villagers and moving out non rabbits from my town. I've tried so hard and TT'D months ahead (on November 1st now) to get these villagers out. I also have Kyle in my town, but since he's reserved I didn't list him. Anyways, I first wanted to get Kyle out since his house is literally right in front of Re-Tail and my friend wants him. But, he never pings me to leave. I kept TTing and while I did two rabbits tried to leave and finally Goose left.
Okay, so I really wanted someone to adopt Goose because I was afraid my friend who has an open space for Kyle would get him. I know Goose isn't popular at all, but then someone notified me they wanted him and all they had to do was TT their villager out.

So they TT'd their villager and took Goose. Two days later (in my game, not irl) I complete paying off my bridge and then Midge (from the person who adopted Goose) moves in, and RIGHT in front of the bridge I finished paying off.
I just thought it was so ironic that here I was concerned about Goose going to the void and my friend (or anyone on my list for that matter) getting him. And then I get that person's unwanted villager.

Now I am stuck with 10 villagers and another un wanted one. I was so upset because I was really looking forward to getting another rabbit. Especially O'Hare since he is my number 1 dream rabbit I want in my town.

I know some of you will think/say ~I'm not playing the game right~. But really, I feel in a sense this is part of the game and meant to be played. If it wasn't then we wouldn't even have the option of inviting villagers. Also, given with the whole theme of being ~mayor and creating the town you want it to be~ more people want their town to be filled with their dream villagers.

Not to mention, AC just seems to get more disappointing. When will they make this game have it's own in game time? I hate how it's based on real life time. I go to college and work, I also have homework/studying. I hardly have time to play on the weekdays so I play on weekends depending how much free time I have. Also, this is just my own opinion but I feel how it's based on real life time that it promotes anti-socializing. What do these game makes expect? Do they want us to literally spend our holidays and all our free time playing this game? It seems as though they want people to revolve their lives on this game. It annoys me when villagers ask to visit your house at a certain time. I always think, "No. I am playing now because I have free time. In an hour I will be at work/studying/with a friend."
I know how you feel. I don't even streetpass my sister anymore because I don't want her villagers, and she doesn't want mine. It's really frustrating. I know exactly what you mean with the villagers planning hours ahead, and I always deny them coming when they ask for that. It's seriously annoying and I always forget whenever I accept the request. I hope you don't lose interest in the game, and make sure you don't lose any bunnies in your absence.
auuuugh i feel your pain
(nibbles destroyed my garden and is never asking to move. villagers that moved in after her ask to move out before her...)
however i would just slowly keep timetraveling day by day and talking to your rabbits. see if they mention anyone moving.

i also got annalise from my best friends town to move in...ha ha ha
midge is pretty cute but i would be upset too if she moved in front of my bridge

i set my clock back a few hours in ac. im sorry to hear you dont really have time though
I think the fact that you're getting so worked up about this is proof that you really need to stop playing it. It's supposed to be a nice relaxing game to escape from real life - so if you're not seeing it that way, it's good that you're going to stop :) But I don't agree with your last paragraph - I find animal crossing an easy game to dip into.
In my second file I had a similar issue getting Lucky into my town. Five others pinged, and my Goose ended up leaving, and I figured out that I needed to have my second conversation with Lucky, and after I time travelled two days, he pinged and I moved him to my main.
I think the fact that you're getting so worked up about this is proof that you really need to stop playing it. It's supposed to be a nice relaxing game to escape from real life - so if you're not seeing it that way, it's good that you're going to stop :) But I don't agree with your last paragraph - I find animal crossing an easy game to dip into.

I agree. I think the reason a lot of people are getting bored is because they're trying to get everything done as quickly as possible and want a specific group of villagers yesterday.

I really don't think the real-time element will ever be removed. I like it, it means that there's something different at different times of day. Plus it sets it aside from other "life sim" games, as far as I'm aware it's the only one that uses real time? It also, in theory, gives the game a lifespan of at least a year in order to collect everything (obviously time travel removes that for some people).
From your post, Purin, I get the impression that perhaps you're just not part of the target market for this game - hence why you're getting so frustrated with it. If you don't have the lifestyle that accommodates being able to make time for it for it at least a couple of times a week, and the patience to just play it little by little, then it's not going to be as fulfilling in the long-term.
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From your post, Purin, I get the impression that perhaps you're just not part of the target market for this game - hence why you're getting so frustrated with it. If you don't have the lifestyle that accommodates being able to make time for it for it at least a couple of times a week, and the patience to just play it little by little, then it's not going to be as fulfilling in the long-term.

I am not sure that this is the case. As a marketing student, I would say that she was probably at least partially in the target market because she bought the game in the first place. I personally find your post to be a little demeaning to the OP in assuming that because he or she is now frustrated because of the inability to get what she wants out of the game that she shouldn't have bought it in the first place.

Marketers are taught that although you target a market, you should not ignore those that are not in that target.
I am not sure that this is the case. As a marketing student, I would say that she was probably at least partially in the target market because she bought the game in the first place. I personally find your post to be a little demeaning to the OP in assuming that because he or she is now frustrated because of the inability to get what she wants out of the game that she shouldn't have bought it in the first place.

Marketers are taught that although you target a market, you should not ignore those that are not in that target.
But she's obviously not the typical AC player, seeing as she's so frustrated and upset about it. Yes she did buy the game, but if it's causing her so much stress then perhaps it's not the right game for her.
im not a fan of the real-time thing either because i just don't get how a game where you have to wait for everything is fun and i think i do enough of that in my real life. i havent been playing animal crossing as much since school started back up because i dont have the time. i'd only be able to play after 10 if i tried.

its the biggest reason why i still prefer harvest moon.
But she's obviously not the typical AC player, seeing as she's so frustrated and upset about it. Yes she did buy the game, but if it's causing her so much stress then perhaps it's not the right game for her.

That may be, but is it your place to say it? No. That is a highly personal thing. You just called the OP stupid for purchasing outside of "his/her market" which is not really an exact science. He/she is just venting and does not need someone telling them that they should not have purchased the game in the first place.
From your post, Purin, I get the impression that perhaps you're just not part of the target market for this game - hence why you're getting so frustrated with it. If you don't have the lifestyle that accommodates being able to make time for it for it at least a couple of times a week, and the patience to just play it little by little, then it's not going to be as fulfilling in the long-term.
Generally agreeing with this. This series has never been about absolute control, villager micro-management, or instant gratification, but with all of the recent customization options included, it appears that some folks are playing it as if it were. That's their privilege of course, but since that is a style of play that runs counter (nothing to do with "right" or "wrong" here) to the game's core design philosophy, according to every developer interview I've read, I guess frustration is to be expected. Sounds like a break from the game is a good idea.
Yeah real-time is a *****. especially with the re furbishing and villagers setting times and stuff. I wouldn't enjoy this game half as much if they had disabled TT-ing somehow.
Sounds like you are taking this game way too seriously. I think giving the game a rest for a while is a good idea.
That may be, but is it your place to say it? No. That is a highly personal thing. You just called the OP stupid for purchasing outside of "his/her market" which is not really an exact science. He/she is just venting and does not need someone telling them that they should not have purchased the game in the first place.

You're the only one that's mentioning the word stupid. Pallihallie might be right, because this game just isn't for everyone and Purin might just be one of those people. I don't see how this could possibly offend anyone.

Purin, just quit playing till you feel the urge to pick it up again - if you never do, nothing's lost, right? You'll find something else to spend your time on. ^_^
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That may be, but is it your place to say it? No. That is a highly personal thing. You just called the OP stupid for purchasing outside of "his/her market" which is not really an exact science. He/she is just venting and does not need someone telling them that they should not have purchased the game in the first place.

Wow that's seriously uncalled for. She was merely making a suggestion, never once did she bring up the word stupid or even sound remotely insulting.

Lighten. Up. :rolleyes:
Not to mention, AC just seems to get more disappointing. When will they make this game have it's own in game time? I hate how it's based on real life time. I go to college and work, I also have homework/studying. I hardly have time to play on the weekdays so I play on weekends depending how much free time I have. Also, this is just my own opinion but I feel how it's based on real life time that it promotes anti-socializing. What do these game makes expect? Do they want us to literally spend our holidays and all our free time playing this game? It seems as though they want people to revolve their lives on this game. It annoys me when villagers ask to visit your house at a certain time. I always think, "No. I am playing now because I have free time. In an hour I will be at work/studying/with a friend."

..what? Seriously?

This game will never and should never have its own time. This game is a casual game. You play this when you want. Why would you want it to have its own time? Wow.

It's better that it's based off of real time. It's 12 AM here, it should be in my game too. It's December here, it should be in my game too. Christmas time! Time to celebrate in ACNL too.

Promoting anti-socialization? I play this game with my friends more than I actually go and talk to them. We would just go and play this game for a long time via wifi. And I've made TONS of friends with this game from all around the world. I have friends who live in Japan because of this game. I would've never made friends from Japan without this game.

Clearly you don't understand. Take a loooong break from this game.
That may be, but is it your place to say it? No. That is a highly personal thing. You just called the OP stupid for purchasing outside of "his/her market" which is not really an exact science. He/she is just venting and does not need someone telling them that they should not have purchased the game in the first place.
Palliehallie did not even mention the word "stupid", and I highly doubt that's what she meant. You can't just assume she said that, when she didn't even say anything to the like.

I agree with Tina and Pallie, it's a good idea the take a break from Animal Crossing. If it's stressing you out, then I'm afraid that Animal Crossing isn't going to be any help as of now.
Take a long break, or ditch the time travel and overobsessiveness with trying getting your town perfect and just play casually from time to time. You'll realize how much more fun it is when the game is spontaneous.
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