Your name is Xabier, a townie. You?re the local town surgeon, but you?re far from nice. You?re a cheap *******, and everyone knows it. But they put up with it, because you?re the only one who can provide them services. However, you have been beginning to grow a soft side for this town. Maybe you actually do care about these misfits. You have no powers besides your voice. You win when all anti town forces are dead.
I just realized that every single person in this game by the end of today will have something attempt to take their life. Obly reason we won was because of the two extra Vet lives.
You are Audran, the mafia roleblocker. You are Adrien Vauclair?s Ork? Oh well, it doesn?t matter. You worship the dragon Feuerschwinge, so you were happy to assist Adrien in reviving the great beast. She?s simply a shell of her former self, but you?re sure she will rise again. You don?t have much empathy, and you?re quite ruthless. Once a night, you may choose one person to roleblock. You may not roleblock the same person twice in a row. You may send in kills on behalf of your team. You win when you equal or outnumber town.
You are Dietrich, a veteran. You?re a seasoned vet, literally. You?re a talented mage who?s fought in a war. Well, not an official war. But a war for equality for meta humans, and you?re damn proud of that. Because of this, you gain one extra night life. If you are protected, your life is refunded. You win when all anti town forces are dead.
You are Glory, a doctor. You?re a quiet type of gal, and you keep to yourself. But you?re not heartless. You?re phenomenal at patching up your teammates in the midst of battle. While you?re not clawing out enemies, you can be found being the team medic. Because of this, you may protect one person each night. You may protect yourself. You may not protect the same person twice in a row. You win when all anti town forces are dead.
Thanks for playing! Sorry I got lazy with flavor text... I honestly didn't know where to go with the story. Idk how people write flavor texts about series they don't own coz they can't bend the story.
Anyway, thought I could add some notes in.
Why wasn't Dylan's role (Xabier) a doctor?
Simple, Glory is the game's actual healer. Xabier is minor, and never actually restores your health in the game. He only offers surgery. Glory is actually one of the major characters, so it makes sense for her to be a doctor. Xabier is just an ******* surgeon.
Also, a couple hours before the Abe lynchwagon started...
[9/8/2015 7:34:18 AM] mai: Hahahaha you cant get on your computer hahahahhaa loser
[9/8/2015 7:38:55 AM] Abe: Shut up
[9/8/2015 7:39:10 AM] Abe: Also making me godfather was unfair to town
[9/8/2015 7:39:43 AM] Abe: Getting me lynched is way harder than this batch of players is up to
Again, thanks for playing! This game was quite boring..but every game I've hosted has been experimental, so I wanted to try something simple.
[9/8/2015 7:39:10 AM] Abe: Also making me godfather was unfair to town
[9/8/2015 7:39:43 AM] Abe: Getting me lynched is way harder than this batch of players is up to
Also, a generic question: Do you guys think meta is a legitimate piece of evidence or no? I thought at first it was a tool scum used to get people lynched, but the more I think about it, using meta could actually be pretty effective imo. Otherwise, Im certain that we couldn't have gotten Endless.
I think meta is more useful in long term mafia games (not the short little epicmafia style games), because people can't just cover up their psychology/personality that easily. That being said, I think it should be used behind in-game actions rather than something to solely base a lynch off - meta is what led me to feeling sure about Endless though lol. Tom, however, was purely suspicious because of his in-game activity/behavior. Crys too. LaBelle was right in the end about mafia coasting but we repented for lynching her and Rune.
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So much dad hating in obs chat. I mean it's not like this is one of my best games as town or anything.