share your discoveries about the new update!

I thought that that photo item you get from Jack in the mail would look like a villager poster or photo. It is not, it looks so much nicer than I expected, especially with the room lights turned off 😯
I LOVE the framed poster. Wish that was a customization option for the regular villager posters.
I just went to get a spooky DIY from someone but since I already knew it their villager gave me pumpkins instead of a card copy. Guess you gotta make an alt for farming the DIY cards o-o
I just went to get a spooky DIY from someone but since I already knew it their villager gave me pumpkins instead of a card copy. Guess you gotta make an alt for farming the DIY cards o-o
Whoa, I like that! Why can't that happen with regular duplicates, too? Instead of giving me another useless recipe, give me some material it takes to build it.
I did not get any Spooky DIY from my villagers today. I was under the impression that they'll be crafting a new one daily for the next 13 days (or until I get all of it)... or am I wrong about this one?
I did not get any Spooky DIY from my villagers today. I was under the impression that they'll be crafting a new one daily for the next 13 days (or until I get all of it)... or am I wrong about this one?

I also did my usual rounds myself. I didn't get one today as well. I am sure that it may have a higher rate than those coveted wreath and crown recipes. Luckily, we can buy a crafted furniture in Nook's Cranny on daily basis. Then again, we want to craft one for ourselves.
So this isn't specifically Halloween related but... Found something awesome I haven't seen people talk about yet.
I have all but one reaction from my villagers and I was too excited to get the halloween ones, so I went ahead to get them and found out.... There is a whole nother page for reactions. O.O
I did not get any Spooky DIY from my villagers today. I was under the impression that they'll be crafting a new one daily for the next 13 days (or until I get all of it)... or am I wrong about this one?
I have not gotten any from villagers. All have been from balloons. When they are crafting they are normal DIY’s I already have. I wonder if I just have bad luck.
This isn't so much as a discovery but more of a dumb bug.

I noticed sometimes the nooklings will not follow me around in the store. (I don't have visitors nor are my gates open)

And then when I reenter they will.

I like to pretend they are terrified of my new look, lol.
Edit: Nevermind. I couldn’t get it to work when I tried it again. I’ll let you know though if I do.
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I was getting villagers crafting spooky DIYs like everyday, but now I've had two days where they are crafting normal instead. Is it not guaranteed to get a spooky DIY from them? I thought it was :(
So what is that ring-con thing that we got in the mail with this update? It squishes when you ‘touch’ (A) it, but what is it?

It looks like you could attach things to it. Maybe??
So what is that ring-con thing that we got in the mail with this update? It squishes when you ‘touch’ (A) it, but what is it?

It looks like you could attach things to it. Maybe??

It's an accessory used for the fitness game "Ring Fit Adventure". Theres the ring con, which connects to a joy con and you squeeze and move it. Theres also a leg strap for a joy con. YouTube and google have more info.
It's an accessory used for the fitness game "Ring Fit Adventure". Theres the ring con, which connects to a joy con and you squeeze and move it. Theres also a leg strap for a joy con. YouTube and google have more info.
Thanks. I figured there was some reference I was missing. Not sure what good it will be on my island then.
I just learned that the spooky table setting, garland, carriage and wand can only be obtained on Halloween, October 31st.

No wonder my villagers don't craft new spooky DIYs. I don't even get new ones from the balloons no matter how I spend hours on the beach. I don't time travel so now I know why...

Apparently, the table setting and garland are from villagers by giving candy. Then the carriage and wand are from Jack by giving lollipops.

My post on the first page are updated to reflect this info.
I'm not sure if it was there already, but I discovered that you can filter your items in the nook shopping catalog to for sale only by pressing Y. That's a real time-saver because I normally have to scroll through lots of DIY items to find the item I want to order.
I'm not sure if it was there already, but I discovered that you can filter your items in the nook shopping catalog to for sale only by pressing Y. That's a real time-saver because I normally have to scroll through lots of DIY items to find the item I want to order.
omg this is very useful, i hate having to scroll through stuff i cant even purchase wasting my time
I just learned that the spooky table setting, garland, carriage and wand can only be obtained on Halloween, October 31st.

No wonder my villagers don't craft new spooky DIYs. I don't even get new ones from the balloons no matter how I spend hours on the beach. I don't time travel so now I know why...

Apparently, the table setting and garland are from villagers by giving candy. Then the carriage and wand are from Jack by giving lollipops.

My post on the first page are updated to reflect this info.
I'm glad someone discovered this lol, it was driving me crazy that I couln't get those last recipes.
I'm glad someone discovered this lol, it was driving me crazy that I couln't get those last recipes.

Yeah. I had to look this up because I'm getting a little worried why I'm not getting the remaining recipes. I was under the impression that all DIYs are obtainable immediately except the wand... because Eggs.