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Does anyone know if the Halloween DIYs are locked behind certain personalities like other DIYs? I dont have a lazy, wondering if I need to find someone ASAP.
Does anyone know if the Halloween DIYs are locked behind certain personalities like other DIYs? I dont have a lazy, wondering if I need to find someone ASAP.

I'm not sure about that, but you can also get recipes from baloons. Not having a lazy shouldn't be a problem.
Does anyone know if the Halloween DIYs are locked behind certain personalities like other DIYs? I dont have a lazy, wondering if I need to find someone ASAP. says that you can get all recipes from all villagers, they're usually right on this stuff :)
When do we find out what color pumpkin we get from a certain plant? Is it right when we plant them or do we wait for a harvest?
You can now revisit Dream Addresses you've put in. You can favorite these Dream Addresses as well. The max limit is 30 Dream Addresses, though. I thought I'd mention this because I haven't seen anybody mention it yet. Unless I missed this, then sorry.
Pumpkins dont actually randomly change colors like Lief says XD They are a random color when planted. Also, almost every single spooky item can be customized with the 4 pumpkin types. (also some of them have the same faces XD)
I thought that that photo item you get from Jack in the mail would look like a villager poster or photo. It is not, it looks so much nicer than I expected, especially with the room lights turned off 😯