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Share Your Ideas For AC Switch!


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2018
Sautéed Mushrooms
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Silver Mailbox
Orange (Fruit)
I had quickly whipped up some new ideas for facial features I want to see in Animal Crossing Switch. I hope to at least be able to choose what color my cheeks will be and what shape the mouth of my character will be. Here is good example of what sort of customization I want to see in the next AC installment.


Notice how the female has a round shape nose and a frown for the mouth shape? and the male has a purple nose? I would want the introduction to be extra long just so we can spend time editing our more detailed character's faces.
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I think that there should be a machine like the one in HHD in AC switch so you can change your hair, eyes, nose, skin tone and other things easily anyime. Maybe it is like the photo booth in ACNL. You pay 1k bells to go in and you change what you want. Or it could just all be done at shampoodle. I also want a path shop. You can buy sets of pre-made path designs, upload your own path designs and buy other designs that people have uploaded. When you upload you set a price and you get the bells if someone buys a set of yours. Maybe even for the premade ones you get certain PWPs unlocked when you buy a set. Like trafic lights for example if you buy a road path set.
I've had plenty over the last few days so I'll see which ones come to mind off the top of my head since I guess those are the ones that are most pertinent to me. xD

Definitely some way to turn the camera at least a little bit. I don't necessarily want to be able to move it behind my character or be in first person or anything but this would at least make for some nice photo-ops.

I'd like to see animal neighbours be able to be in places like the museum or something but still be able to interact with them fully instead of just having them cycle their specific dialogue to that place. It would make things feel more alive and it'd be less of an annoyance to find out they were there.

It would be cool to have multiple houses without having to have more than one character. I personally never wanted to add more than myself to my towns because it broke the immersion a bit splitting myself between different characters just so I could have extra houses in the town! I think being able to have extra properties would solve this! And it also links to my next point...

Having more than one 'area' to the town. This basically means I would want a bigger town, but in a way that... let's see how to put it... you know how the campsite in the welcome amiibo update is its own area which you access through the side of the cliff? I would want to have multiple whole-town sized areas separated with those load screens that all connected together - you could buy more land for your town to have it as big or as small as you wanted, and this would allow you to have kind of districts to your town without it all being overwhelming all at once!

I have also thought this for a long time - designing animal villagers!! I would love there to at least be a basic editor that allows us to pick colours, species, patterns, personality and the like, so we could even better personalise our villages with our own special animals. It would be so cool to see what people created and be able to move them in and out of others' towns like the existing villagers. Building on this, I don't know how popular this would be, but the option to have a customised animal in place of some of the special animals like shopkeepers and the like might be kinda cool. I think it would be cool if there were different animals running the shops amongst different towns rather than having infinite Tom Nooks. But then, those characters are super beloved so I don't think this would be for everyone! It's just a thought.

I would definitely love to be able to build animals' houses for them. Instead of them just moving wherever they wanted you could receive a request from an animal that they wanted to move in and just like HHD you would have to build their house for them. It makes more sense if you're the owner of the town in question to be able to decide where they're allowed their house! Alternatively you could tell them they could move wherever they wanted and you could skip all this if you didn't really care. It's all about options!

Annnnd one final thing that I also don't think will be popular with everyone. What if when you moved to the town, you had to kind of build it from the ground up? Perhaps there's nobody or very few people living there when you arrive, and you get to build it into a thriving town over time? That would personally appeal to me as I love to feel like the real owner and main influencer of anything I get to be in charge of in creative games. I'm taking a lot of inspiration from Harvest Moon: A New Beginning with these ideas. But I feel like I might be trying to turn Animal Crossing into something it's not meant to be. So these are of course just ideas and I would be happy with any of them not being a part of the newest installment. :)
I had another think today during work and wrote the rest of my ideas down so I could share 'em when I got home! Here we go...

I would love to see ALL stores open 24 hours! To me it doesn't make sense that we have things like the museum and post office open 24 hours but not the stores that actually allow you to play most of the game, namely those which allow you to sell and buy items! I understand that perhaps the idea was that having those types of stores open at night might encourage children to stay up past their bedtime playing, BUT in New Leaf we already had a way to have the stores open a little bit later or earlier if needs be, so clearly adults with interesting schedules are being taken into consideration already! It might be nice to see new nocturnal staff for each store anyway (including the museum - those poor owls!!)

I'd also like to see the island again, but being something you can personally own, just like in e+. I don't have a lot more to say on this except that I'd love to see it be bigger and for you to also be able to build things on it!

JOBS! I know others have said about this before but I would really like there to always be something to work towards. Something you can go to to sink some time into when you've finished your chores and have had enough of fishing and bug catching for the day, so you can go and continue making money while also making progress on something. By progress I mean working towards various rewards that only come from jobs. I like the start we got with the cafe in NL, but it would be nice for it to be more than just a little minigame and something that you can do for as long or as little time as you like.

A way to sell and trade items to other players without having to go to their towns would be nice. And you would be able to put something up for sale or trade that ANYONE could respond to if they met the criteria, if you wanted. I'm thinking something like the GTS in Pokemon!

Here I go again with asking for Harvest Moon features... But cooking please. I would LOVE to be able to cook dishes and sell them for profit, maybe even as part of a job! Maybe villagers could ask for a specific dish, or there could even be a festival for it! To get the ingredients you could go to a market and buy them or do some light farming for them. Nothing more involved than the red turnips in WW, just buy the seeds and plant them and water them until they're ready - although if there was a little gardening plot it would make for a nice feature in the town anyway. <3

Also I would love for there to be some effect from eating food. Something that actually affects gameplay. Fruit maybe just increases your running speed or something, and cooked dishes have various other effects. There could be all kinds of things that could happen with this!

Let's also have places to visit outside of the town! Taking inspiration from Pocket Camp here - just a few areas around the town where you can have a quiet spot to do some bug catching or fishing away from the rest of the town! I would love to have the camper van available to decorate and drive around for this purpose (AND maybe to drive to other towns?). Having a cute camper parked beside your house would make it feel pretty grand!

At the start of the game, what if, similar to the face styles questions, there were questions that determined small parts of what your offered maps would be like? It would still be quite random but you would get maps offered that had at least a few features you really wanted.

My last big thought is... community projects! What I mean by this, perhaps there could be areas outside the town that everyone can visit, kind of like an online lobby except not for matchmaking. And this kind of place is constantly expanded as the game lives on, with more and more buildings and other projects being brought to life thanks to everyone's teamwork. I'm talking projects that require BILLIONS of bells to complete, and everyone who participated gets a reward of some kind, and of course it means that the completed project is now available for everyone to enjoy. The projects are chosen according to polls done by Nintendo so it really feels like a community space!!

Here are a couple other small things that don't need explaining:
-Regular axe is unbreakable (like the original DnM) golden axe maybe does something different. I just think it would be better this way since it would be easier to get straight into designing your town.
-Half tiles please!
-Option to turn the bgm off
-A transparent colour for patterns. This way patterns can be funky shapes on the ground, and suit all skin tones if there are parts of the clothing pattern that are supposed to show skin.

Again some of these are quite far-fetched and few of them are what I would consider essential developments!
1. like other people have said, a more obvious face designer would be cool. it doesn't have to be completely rid of the random element of it but PLEASE be able to pick skin color it's not a good look for nintendo to not let you pick having dark skin at the beginning... you shouldn't have to tan in the summer just to get dark skin. i don't think they won't do this though

2. new museum second floor thing. the museum exhibit spaces can be cool but i forget that they're there and i've never played a game that isn't new leaf but the observatory sounds really cool with constellations and stuff. maybe a third floor? you could put brewster's in the basement as a cafe or something too

3. i like the path store idea! i think that since nintendo is more aware of how people want to do that sort of thing they might add that. i would pay nook for sidewalks

4. gardening!! it's in pocket camp and i think it's really nice. you can breed flowers out in the town of course but having your own little garden might be nice and you could grow things you can't out in the rest of the town like herbs or cacti. lief's garden shop could be expanded more to add more seeds for things like bonsais and stuff too instead of just having the bonsai items

5. half tiles!!! watching your little guy scoot around in hhd is cute and also seems very doable in new leaf and the level of customization goes up so much... it could even be like in pocket camp where if you use the half tiles they can't interact with things (makes sense because sometimes the villagers in hhd trap themselves by being on chairs and things they can't get out of), but it looks nice

6. i like the idea of a villager asking to move in and maybe giving up to 3 options of where they might move. i think too much customizability might take away from feeling like you're the mayor of a town and feel more like you're playing a video game which is fine but also it loses the immersion

7. more villagers!!!! they added new ones and brought back old ones and more villagers would be great!!!!!

8. more customizeable main street like you can have up to 8 buildings and you could have a club maybe or you could have a sweets shop or something else. it would be kind of like the festival plaza in pokemon sun and moon.

9. more dialogue and more varied responses based on friendship. i don't mind so much but a lot of people wish the villagers would be meaner like they were and the dialogue variety was more and i see a lot of repeat dialogue too so if there was more so that villagers you don't know very well could be mean or aloof but then as you become friends with them they open up more dialogue options and stuff. i know that if i spam clicking on them to talk to them over and over, they'll repeat stuff, but sometimes it seems like they repeat the same thing 4 out of 5 times of talking to them

i'll think of more!! that's my thoughts right now
I think that it will tie in with AC:pC, or will have features from it. We'll get a lot of more tasks than just "Catch X fish" or something like that. We'll be able to place actual furniture outside, whether that's in a designated front yard or just in places in general. I'm hoping that if we do more PWP-like things there are more themes we can choose from instead of Basic, Modern, Fairytale, and Zen. I would definitely like to see more wigs, longer dresses, and just cuter accessories like what is shown in AC:pC. I hope that there are ~2 new species, and more villagers in existing ones. We definitely need more villagers in Smug/Uchi personality types. I want more part-time jobs.
pansy what species would you want to see in the game? i would like to see bats and a lot of people like that but also playable owls would be cool. having nocturnal villagers could be really cool. i would also like lizards
the purple nose looks super cute!!! :D
here's some of the stuff i had in mind:

1. the ability to send letters to your friends without having to visit their town

2. bring back every villager EVER!!! like smash! i would love to see woolio and pierre again

3. better character customization like everyone else is saying. i LOVE the current system for picking your face but i think there should really be a way to pick your skin color without tanning!

4. an easier way to put down paths .... paths can look really nice in towns but it SUCKS laying them down one piece at a time

5. new villager personalities! i didn't really have anything specific in mind i would just really enjoy a few more personalities