Pokémon Share Your Shiny Pokémon Stories and Screenshots

Two new shiny Pokemon today

I’ve played for about 14 years and the only shinies I’ve ever come across are the ones on Pokémon sleep 😂 hopefully I’ll find one one day
Bringing this thread back because I JUST wonder traded for a shiny Quaxly in my Pokemon Violet Wonderlocke!!! 🥳

It came home after over two dozen trades due to level clause (everything previously was too high-leveled). It's got an amazing nature and hidden ability too. Literally a match made in heaven 👌



Posting again because I just encountered a shiny SHUPPET in the wild in my Pokemon Violet Wonderlocke and caught it. I'm making an exception so I can actually use it in the challenge, and it'll count as my Klawf Titan badge catch. I can't believe this happened during the spookiest month of the year though, and without the sandwich buff or a mass outbreak as well! 🥳 🥳 🥳






My first shiny in scarlet violet I wasn't even looking for, it was a maushold (or however it's spelled, don't have time to Google it since I have to get to work lol) it just happened to be the first one I found and i needed it for my pokedex so I got really lucky lol, cuz I probably wouldn't have caught it otherwise since I didn't even notice it was shiny since that ones so hard to tell
I posted about this in my own thread already, but I caught a shiny Gastly with no sandwich buff or mass outbreak! Really happy to snag another shiny, even though I already technically have a shiny of this line. It's nice to have caught one on my own. 🤩





Was scrolling through old files and found my shiny Pokemon bingo progress when I was really into shiny hunting in Dynamax Adventures! it's definitely an outdated copy, because I'm certain that I've caught Kyogre and Celesteela. Truly a lockdown moment with how often I stayed up consistently just bingeing it. The worst part has to be that I caught the Suicune in the DA tutorial, so if I really did want to commit completing the bingo card, I'd have to start a new file lol Was a fun time regardless

I'm on a shiny living dex quest, and I restarted most of my Pokémon games because my autistic tail wants them all to be caught by trainers that share a name. I decided to shiny hunt for a special boy before taking on Brock this time around. He is not allowed to evolve, so I'll have to catch a shiny Raticate or evolve another shiny Rattata eventually. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧



Next on my list is shiny Bellsprout. This one will be allowed to evolve. I already have their nickname picked. (❁´◡`❁)
My Eevee's nickname is Bergamot. Useless piece of information is useless... but it is cute!
My next team member shined yesterday after a very quick 73 encounters! (❁´◡`❁)



I'm currently taking a break from Charmander hunting. I'm at 5 encounters and ripping my hair out because Rattata and Spearow won't. stop. running. into me. Thank god the odds of encountering the same species increases over time because at this rate I'll challenge Misty when I'm about 98 years old. ╰(‵□′)╯
My goodness, I did it. I caught the shiny salamander on thursday. It took me hours. The hardest part was definitely to get the combo going and to chain them with great balls. Thankfully, they do become easier to catch the higher your catch combo, so my new friend got in the ball without issue. (❁´◡`❁)

Now I got a lot of Charmander candy from this hunt and decided to see how many I could give him before the game wouldn't let me anymore. The answer is 200. Started with 241, ended up with 41. He's... disgustingly OP now. But hey, I was curious.




And the catch of the day, my next team member who isn't allowed to evolve either. I love his shade of green better than his evolution's.



Okay, I'm done haha. I need to do more story stuff before I can hunt my final team member. Any guesses as to which Pokémon it'll be?
If you guessed Gastly, you were right! o(*^▽^*)┛

I was hoping for a female, but the first shiny ghost who spawned was male. Doesn't matter though, because the silly thing ran away from me. I was cocky and tried catching him in a Pokéball despite the red circle. Lesson learned. Glad my catch combo was somewhere between 70 and 80, and not over 150. I would have cried. ->

So, yeah. The first spooky orb ran away from me. I was determined, though, and started chaining Gastly once more. 130+ ghastly gas balls later...



My girl appeared! Even better, Nintendo didn't censor me due to the first four letters of her nickname. Hellebore is a poisonous plant or flower. Hyped! She is now a beautiful Haunter which I didn't know was a ride Pokémon. Double hype! (❁´◡`❁)
Before I challenged the elite four and champion, I had one goal in mind: grind for Eevee candies and feed Bergamot an ungodly amount of sugar to increase her stats. 17 Eevees later...



Sure. Yeah. Hmhm. I'll take it. Welcome, little flower! (❁´◡`❁) After catching him and feeding candies to my starter Eevee, I went ahead and whooped the league's butt.

Now. My journey to become champion of Kanto in Let's Go, Eevee! might have been over, but the shiny living dex quest sure was not. First order of business was to train and evolve Pokémon to complete my pokédex, and— Wait, what?



Yeah, okay! I'll take her too!! Fun fact, Marigold was the name of a Chansey I used in a normal types only run of Fire Red. No double typing. Just normal types. It was neat. I lost to Brock 47 times. (Okay no. I lost to him twice. I only had a Rattata, okay? Sniffles.)

After a bunch of grinding and the struggle to get traded one (1) Omanyte, I acquired the shiny charm and somehow got cursed because with the shiny charm, with lures, it took me over 200 encounters for one (1) shiny cat. And I evolved it into a barely noticeable shiny. Persian, please...


I forgot to take a screenshot of her summary before evolving her. RIP.
Phew, okay! You're all caught up. See you next time! (❁´◡`❁)
Welcome back, trainers! (❁´◡`❁)

So, my least favorite kind of shiny hunting is soft resetting. And unfortunately for me, there's a lot of that in my future. I got a taste of resetting for what you want the other day, standing in front of some crystals in Cerulean Cave, trying to get myself an Old Amber to rev—



Hello, shiny Graveler, sir. I was on my third or fourth reset for the old amber when this lonely glittering rock appeared. I nicknamed him Basalt and took him out of his ball. I think this fellow was tired of digging for treasure on his own, because he keeps finding the rarest berries in bushes and a plethora of pearls and stardust in caves. I am not complaining. What a lad. (❁´◡`❁) And I needed him for the shiny living dex!

Fast forward to some time later. I decided to shiny hunt for a Pokémon I've wanted for years and who's mega evolution I adore : Pidgeot. Well... Pidgey. After a very quick 81 encounters, my bird friend sparkled! And if you get his nickname reference, here. 🍪🍪🍪 Cookies for you, you cool nerd! (Affectionate, ofc.)



I wish Pidgeot was a ride Pokémon. Thorondor is absolutely gorgeous in his final form. Now I can face the Pokémon League without a dash of envy for my rival. Take that, Owen! (Oh yeah... I named Trace Owen. For no reason. Used to be Jonas for all my rivals, also for no reason.)

(edit - typo.)