Pokémon Share Your Shiny Pokémon Stories and Screenshots


Caught this Shiny Heart patterned spinda, so obsessed with her. Her little broken heart. Ugh. This is the only spinda pattern I like so I feel lucky 🥴
Turns out it's been a while since I posted in this thread and I've caught quite a lot of shinies in PoGo since then;

A few shadow ones - Mewtwo and Raikou in their raids and a Trapinch that is now Flygon from the rocket leader battle


Some of my recent favourite legendary shiny catches - after doing loads of Kyogre raids when it was around last year and not getting a shiny I actually managed to get both Kyogre and Groudon on their raid days, then traded them with my sister and a friend who also had them to get lucky ones. During the Sinnoh tour I caught two shiny origin Palkia while my sister got two Dialga instead so we traded one to each other.


A couple of other top picks from the tour weekend - was so happy to hatch shiny Pachirisu as that was my aim for the event and I already had a shiny Piplup so was nice to complete that trio with the other starters.

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Just some random ones - Spheal is one of my favourite Pokemon was getting a shiny with a scarf was a great moment and shiny Ditto was a pleasant surprise.


Won't include the pictures for others as there are a lot but also caught shiny versions of;

  • community day Mons - Grubbin, Timburr, Wooper (including my first Shundo with the Paldean one), Mareep, Rowlet, Porygon, Chansey, Bagon, Bellsprout and a bunch of random ones from the December catch up day.
  • other legendaries, etc - Genesect, multiple Suicune, Raikou and Entei, Guzzlord, Cobalion, Reshiram, Therian Landorus, Latios and Latias, Zelf and Uxie
  • raids - Hisuian Samurott and Decidueye, plus Heracross, from their raid weekends and Gengar, Absol and Sceptile from mega raids.
  • randoms - Skorupi, Pumpkaboo with the Halloween costume, Phantump, Ralts, a few Voltorbs (regular and Hisuian), Bulbasaur, Skarmory, Amaura, Galarian Darumaka, Dratini, Rockruff, Turtonator, Spinda, Mime Jr., Wimpod, some Pikachu with hats and quite a lot more
  • plus a whole load of Bronzor, even considering the perma-boosted odds it has - swear every other one I click is shiny
And finally my Mew! Which can now join my shiny Celebi while I work towards Jirachi (if I ever find more Kecleon) and Shaymin 😄

Don’t have pictures of them, but other than my shiny Bellsprout I caught the other day on PoGo, I found a shiny Drifloon and Sabeleye on PoGo too. Been having some pretty good luck here recently. 🙂
Stopped my hunt for Mareep on Pokémon Y since it hasn't really gone anywhere, I'm gonna go for something easier and try to get a shiny Ivysaur via random encounters on the Friend Safari, wish me luck!
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Here are all the shines that I got recently 🙂.

Shinies that I got during the TBTWC:


From the outbreak that happened after I cleared all the murkrows, I got this one





When I saw the sparkle, I thought I found a shiny Kirlia, but it ended up being Gardevoir.



I was going to skip this one but I wanted more berries; I’m glad I didn’t skip it


My first shiny in Pokemon Violet! I got it in my last egg 🙂.

Shinies that I got today so far:


My first shiny of the day :D. I had no idea that we could get shinies from raids until yesterday, when a friend got a shiny raid. Thanks to that, I decided to do more raids again now with tbtwc over (only 1-3 star since I haven’t progressed much yet).


I was thinking of not catching it since I already have a snubbull when I first saw it (couldn’t see the colors well), but when it prompted me to catch or not catch, I thought the colors looked different from the normal one, so I decided to catch it. Good thing I did! 🥳


I caught this one since I didn’t have one yet. Was a nice surprise to see it was a shiny :D. I didn’t see the pokedex entry pop up even though I didn’t have it 🤔.


I just caught this one! If I hadn’t seen a screenshot in the shiny pokemon event thread, I wouldn’t have known this was a shiny at first glance.

I really wish I got these when the event was still going on, but I’m still really happy and excited that I got them 🙂.
RARGHHH I finally did it! I wanted a shiny female popplio for a while now, and I knew it was gonna be a challenge since there's such a low chance for female starters to appear. i was determined and here she is!! 🥹💓 took 14 shiny male popplios before i finally encountered a shiny female popplio, but she is so worth it. I'm so happy!!


she came in early during my sandwich so i decided to go around the beach and try to find a shiny galarian slowpoke, but i found him instead! 2 for 2 shiny starters with a single sandwich is a win 🥹💖

RARGHHH I finally did it! I wanted a shiny female popplio for a while now, and I knew it was gonna be a challenge since there's such a low chance for female starters to appear. i was determined and here she is!! 🥹💓 took 14 shiny male popplios before i finally encountered a shiny female popplio, but she is so worth it. I'm so happy!!

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she came in early during my sandwich so i decided to go around the beach and try to find a shiny galarian slowpoke, but i found him instead! 2 for 2 shiny starters with a single sandwich is a win 🥹💖

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Baby 🥺.

Next shiny you post is going to be Wooloo ::naurr::; manifesting lots of luck for your shiny hunt 🤞🍀✨☘️✨🤞.

I’m worried I’m annoying everyone on discord with my shiny pictures (and also trade stories), so time for me to share some here 😅🙂.

I’ll post a couple for now since I got a lot since my last post here 🙂.


This was my second shiny from an egg! Wooper and Quagsire are two longtime favorites of mine ☺️. I named it Ditto (couldn’t think of anything better 😅); I may change it to something better later 🙂.


My third shiny from an egg! It didn’t take that many eggs (or at least teddiursa ones lol).


I love Shinx, Luxio and Luxray and their shinies ☺️. Strangely, they weren’t a favorite of mine until somewhat recently. I got a shinx shiny in Arceus (long before they patched up the shiny hunting method), but I didn’t transfer it yet. I want to try to get their shiny in Violet first before I transfer it and other shinies I got in Arceus.


Two of the hacked pokemons that I got in a surprise trade were Porygon2 and Z, so I was really happy to get one of them in a raid. I hope I can eventually get a shiny Porygon and Porygon2, ideally I’d want two shiny Porygons; one to keep in its base form and another to evolve.

So derpy and cute ☺️


Sorry for bad screenshot 😅. My very first sandwich shiny. It was very difficult to spot. I wanted this guy since i got it’s final evolved form in surprise trade but it was hacked. I haven’t evolved it yet. I’m waiting until I need to use and build it or for something to do with my home living dex. I hope to get more so I can have a shiny version of each of its forms and one copy to keep stored in my game. At the same time, I don’t want to get it from a sandwich again because it was so small and hard to spot.

Found this guy when I was trying to get a shiny Iron Hands. Didn’t get shiny iron hands from this sandwich.


I got him later :D. Belly drum is so fun.

I love delibird so ofc I had to get the shiny paradox version of it! :D I kinda like its regular version better though because it is more colorful.


I got a shiny hacked scizor in a surprise trade i think so i had to get my own; scizor has been one of my favorite shinies too so I wanted it either way 🙂.


Baby 🥺. It also has a zero energy mark :D.


I got a shiny hacked ditto from a trade on the pokemon home gts so i had to get my own; I’ve wanted it for a long time either way :D

I love shiny Alolan Raichu. It looks so cute surfing ☺️.



I lost a shiny mimikyu with the smiling mark since my game glitched out and I restarted and forgot to save, so I’ve been trying hard to get it again. I finally got this one earlier. Not the right mark, but I’m still really happy.


I got a lot of shiny Mimikyu’s though in the process; I started this event with none lol.

I traded one shiny Pikachu and Shiny Raichu (so there should be one of them both in addition to what are in the pictutes if I hadn’t traded them). I got two raichus and pikachus with marks too! Two pikachus have the dawn mark and one raichu has the uncommon mark 🙂


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